Project Gutenberg: Authors List Quida, 18391908. Quintus, Smyrnaeus, 4th century. R, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926.Rabelais, Francis AKA Rabelais, Francois, 1483-1553
Extractions: This is Project Gutenberg. This list has been downloaded from: "The Official and Original Project Gutenberg Web Site and Home Page" PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Last Updated: Monday 03 September 2001 by Pietro Di Miceli ( The following etext have been released by Project Gutenberg. This list serves as reference only. For downloading books, please use our catalogs or search at: Or check our FTP archive at: and etext subdirectories. For problems with the FTP archives (ONLY) email, be sure to include a description of what happened AND which mirror site you were using. THANKS for visiting Project Gutenberg. * (No Author Attributed) Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 AKA: Square, A Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877 Adams, Andy, 1859-1935 Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803 Adams, William Taylor, 1822-1897 AKA: Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897
Extractions: Project Gutenberg Part 1 Authors Use Control-f to find keywords This is Project Gutenberg. This list has been downloaded from: "The Official and Original Project Gutenberg Web Site and Home Page" ( PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Last Updated: Saturday 30 March 2002 by Pietro Di Miceli ( The following etext have been released by Project Gutenberg. This list serves as reference only. For downloading books, please use our catalogs or search at: Or check our FTP archive at: and etext subdirectories. For problems with the FTP archives (ONLY) email, be sure to include a description of what happened AND which mirror site you were using. THANKS for visiting Project Gutenberg. * (No Author Attributed) A Young Girl Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 AKA: Square, A Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877 Ackland, T. S. (Thomas Suter), 1817-1892 Adams, Andy, 1859-1935
Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Quida, 18391908 Under Two Flags, Read Online Download. Quincey, ThomasDe Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, Read Online Download
LISTA DE TITULOS Under Two Flags, by Quida, 18391908 Under Western Eyes, by Conrad, Joseph,1857-1924 Under the Andes, by Stout, Rex, 1886-1975
Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS GG, Editor Pyle, Howard, 18531911 Pyle, Katharine, d. 1938 Pyrnelle, Louise ClarkePérez Galdós, Benito, 1843-1920 Quida, 1839-1908 Quintus, Smyrnaeus, 4th
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Project Gutenberg Titles Under Two Flags, by Quida, 18391908. Under Western Eyes, by Conrad, Joseph,1857-1924. Under the Andes, by Stout, Rex, 1886-1975
Extractions: cookie_name="pop1"; cook_value="1!!1126456114"; cook_expires="Sun, 11 Sep 2005 16:29:34 GMT"; document.cookie=cookie_name+"="+cook_value+";expires="+cook_expires+";"; FREE WEB HOSTING domain registration hosting Live Chat cheap web hosting ... notebook computer var rm_host = ""; var rm_get_url = 1; var rm_section_id = 7824; rmShowAd("728x90"); Project Gutenberg Titles Use control-f to find keywords This is Project Gutenberg. This list has been downloaded from: "The Official and Original Project Gutenberg Web Site and Home Page" ( PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS TITLES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Last Updated: Saturday 30 March 2002 by Pietro Di Miceli ( The following etext have been released by Project Gutenberg. This list serves as reference only. For downloading books, please use our catalogs or search at: Or check our FTP archive at: and etext subdirectories. For problems with the FTP archives (ONLY) email, be sure to include a description of what happened AND which mirror site you were using.
LOUISE DE LA RAMEE ("OUIDA") LOUISE DE LA RAMEE (OUIDA) (18391908). Amores de tenero meditatur ungui. HORACE,Carmina, 3,6,24. Louise de la Ramee, English author, was born at Bury St.
Extractions: HORACE, Carmina, 3,6,24 When young, "Ouida" was inclined to fall in love with every man who showed her a bit of attention; in later years she was cynical and bitter against everyone, yet liked to play the grand dame in a very theatrical way. REFERENCES: H. G. Huntington, Memories; E. Lee, Ouida, a Memoir; F. T. Cooper, " 'Ouida'an Estimate," The Bookman, (N.Y.), XVII, 1903, 153-59, with portrait; ibid., XXVII, 1908, 24-27 with portrait; anon., "Romantic Ouida," with portrait; Literary Digest, XXXV, 1907, 170; anon., "The truth about Ouida," ibid., Publishers' Weekly, Ouida, the Passionate Victorian, New York, 1951, with a portrait. Waverley Library (quarto). No. 74 Go BACK to where you came from
Web Family Cards M. (~1915 ) Hannah (1755 - 1816) Harriet (1812 - ) Helen Quida (1887 - ) Honour 1901 - 1909) Richard West (1888 - 1957) Robert (1839 - 1908) Robert Martin
Pra¾ská Informaèní Slu¾ba Pametní deska od Arna Quida Adamce byla v kvetnu 1946 umístena nad schránkou sprstí z hrobu 83 detí jako Vlcek Václav (1839 1908), spisovatel, 20-153
Extractions: Vinohradský høbitov pøiléhá ke stra¹nickému krematoriu v Praze 10. Podle poètu pohøbených je Vinohradský høbitov druhým nejvìt¹ím v Praze, i kdy¾ na rozlohu je vìt¹í høbitov Ïáblický. Vinohradský høbitov má rozlohu asi 10 ha a je zde kolem 16 000 hrobù, pøes 900 hrobek, 4300 urnových míst a 1850 míst v kolumbariích. Høbitov je zapsán ve státním seznamu nemovitých kulturních památek. Za vchodem je centrální køí¾ a nedaleko od nìj novogotická kaple posledního rozlouèení - jednolodní kaple sv. Václava s arkádami z r. 1897 od architekta Antonína Turka. V arkádách je 14 arkádových hrobek, mj. i hrobka rodiny Václava Havla. Obraz sv. Anny ve zlatém poli je od malíøe Bartoòka, obraz sv. Josefa v tympanonu od Adolfa Liebschera. Kaple má vysokou støechu se ¹tíhlou ¹estibokou vì¾ièkou s lucernou s gotickými okny, nad nimi¾ vyrùstají trojúhelníkové ¹títy. Støecha je zakonèená hrotem s makovicí a køí¾em.
Pra¾ská Informaèní Slu¾ba Pametní deska od Arna Quida Adamce byla v kvetnu 1946 umístena nad 1856 1924),drevorytec, grafik, 41-16 Vlcek Václav (1839 - 1908), spisovatel, 20