Woodmen Of The World - Counties H-L Nellie F. 1858 1932 Rel. Herbert C. 1889 - 1957 Rel McConnell, Charles E.PVT 1 OHIO CAV 14 SP AM WAR Milton, Wm. E. CO D 78 ILL INF 14 http://www.ghostseekers.com/WOWh-l.htm
Extractions: Courtesy of Jim Davenport This listing of burials in a Colorado cemetery is a listing of only the burials where the headstone, or an associated marker, has an indication that the person belonged to one of the following organizations, or was a relative of the person who belonged to the organization. It is not meant to suggest that it is a complete listing of everyone buried in the cemetery, nor a listing of everyone from those organizations who is buried in the cemetery. For the most part the organizations began putting the identification on the tombstones in about 1880 and quit about 1935, though a few are occasionally seen with later death dates. Abbreviations WOW = Woodmen of the World MWA = Modern Woodmen of America Women = Women of Woodcraft Neigh = Neighbor of Woodcraft WC = Woodmen Circle SFWC = Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle * Upright stump. # Fancy horizontal sandstone log + Other odd shapes, ie., urns, balls, pillars
Woodmen Of The World Burials - Counties A-G Mathews, Mary 1874 1918 Neigh Charles R. 1865 - 1935 Rel Minnie E. 1858 -1932 Rel. Witt, Frank W. 1854 - 1923 WOW. Ella 1858 - 1936 Rel http://www.ghostseekers.com/WOWa-g.htm
Extractions: Courtesy of Jim Davenport This listing of burials in a Colorado cemetery is a listing of only the burials where the headstone, or an associated marker, has an indication that the person belonged to one of the following organizations, or was a relative of the person who belonged to the organization. It is not meant to suggest that it is a complete listing of everyone buried in the cemetery, nor a listing of everyone from those organizations who is buried in the cemetery. For the most part the organizations began putting the identification on the tombstones in about 1880 and quit about 1935, though a few are occasionally seen with later death dates. Abbreviations WOW = Woodmen of the World MWA = Modern Woodmen of America Women = Women of Woodcraft Neigh = Neighbor of Woodcraft WC = Woodmen Circle SFWC = Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle * Upright stump. # Fancy horizontal sandstone log + Other odd shapes, ie., urns, balls, pillars
St. Patrick's Cemetery, Town Of Alden, Erie County, New York 1827 1905; Michael J., 1858 - 1932 Mary Harris; BYERS; Ann, 1816 - 1894 William Joseph G., Son of Charles Mary A., Sept 3, 1879, 5 yrs 10 mo http://members.tripod.com/~wnyroots/index-alden-stp-cem.html
Extractions: Town of Alden, (Crittenden), New York 1848 - Active - No information on stone ALM - American Legion Marker f - American Flag f/m - Funeral Home Marker LA - Ladies Auxiliary of Veteran of Foreign Wars n/d - No date VFW - Veteran of Foreign Wars [underlined] - information isn't clear - Shows relationship [this information isn't on the stone] , Foot stones : Maria, Mother, Father, Wife , Angel Statute , Christine V., * , John * , T.S. * , LL, Mary A., Wife of James, Dec 21, 1871, 44 yrs, 4 mo Standing Angel Stone Cross ABELL see RAFT ABELL see SMITH ABELL John Robert, "Sonny " 1937 - 1942 John J., 1909 - 1970 [Lilian A.] Lillian A., 1909 - 1981 [John J.] Susan H., Wife of L.P., Oct 11, 1877, 26 yrs. ADRAMSKI Florence, 1933 - n/d, Wife Priscilla M., 1911 - 1995, Mother Richard J., 1933 - n/d, Son ALLAIRE Joseph E., 1927 - 1991 William J., 1953 - 1976
WebGED: Klinger Database Data Page Keselring, Florence (1858 1932) - female b. MAY 1858 in Euphemia, Preble Co., OH He died on 24 January 1917 at the home of his brother, Oliver http://genealogy.lv/eaves/wga39.html
G.B. Shaw Collection, Index Of Correspondents Wallas, Graham, 1858193246.5 (from Shaw) ± Wallis, Nevile54.8 Walter H.Baker Company54.8 Wardrop, John Oliver, Sir, 1864-194846.5 (from Shaw) http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/shaw.gb.corr10.html
Extractions: A-B C-D E-F G-H ... T-V W-Z Index entries followed by the notation (from Shaw) indicate people to whom Shaw wrote. Box and folder numbers followed by a number in parenthesis indicate the number of items by (or to) that person. The absence of a parenthetical notation indicates there is just one item. So in the example there are thirty-five items from Shaw and one other letter included with these in box 38, folder 10; a letter from Jones filed with letters from Jules Magny in box 40, folder 5; and 2 letters from Jones in Box 50, folder 7. Entries followed by the ± symbol are not from the Hanley Collection. Names in bold appear in the RLIN record.
Bright Sparcs Repository Browse List - A Andrew, Chemical analyst Veale, William Charles Douglas, Engineer and Surveyor Thomas Gibson (1858 1932), Entomologist and Pastoralist White, http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/bs_bra_repository.htm
AIM25: Thesaurus Personal Names: W Wallas Graham 18581932 political psychologist Whitfield CharlesRichard b 1927 obstetrician and gynaecologist http://www.aim25.ac.uk/search/thesaurus/persons/list22.htm