Famous Inventors And Their Famous Inventions Nasmyth, James steam hammer, 18081890 Newcomen, Thomas steam engine,1663-1729 Newton, Sir Isaac reflecting telescope, 1642-1727 http://www.mattyubas.com/invention/famous-inventors-famous-inventions.html
BiblioMan.Com - The Great Literary Works Murray, Robert F. (Robert Fuller), 18631894 Myerson, Abraham Mérimée, Prosper,1803-1870 Naidu, Sarojini, 1879-1949 Nasmyth, James, 1808-1890 Nation, Carrie http://www.biblioman.com/authors.htm
List Of Ebook Authors du Pouget, marquis de, 18181904 Nadin, Mihai Naidu, Sarojini, 1879-1949 Nakashima,Tadashi, 1920- Narayanan, AR Nasmyth, James, 1808-1890 Nation, Carrie Amelia http://www.irqpa.org/lphs/1948/library/AUTHORS.HTM
Cleveland Museum Of Art - James Nasmyth (18081890). Overview, More Information, Title James Nasmyth(1808-1890) Maker David Octavius Hill (British, 1802 - 1870 http://www.clevelandmuseumofart.org/explore/work.asp?recordkeywordID=2995&recNo=
Name Index To Sky & Telescope 1935 Jun 99 (97,6) 99 Nasmyth, James (18081890) Dec 69 (38,6) 380 Nassau, JasonJohn (1893-1965) age 72 Jul 65 (30,1) 7 Neely, Henry M. (1879-1963) age 84 http://www.nd.edu/~kkrisciu/st.html
Extractions: E-mail: kkrisciu@nd.edu; Skip introduction and go directly to index. Please note: Kevin Krisciunas does not run a photocopy service. Many libraries have Sky and Telescope magazine back to volume 1 and photocopy services. So, please try to find the articles at your end. Thanks for your consideration! How many times have you leafed through dozens of issues of because you are certain that there was an article about some astronomer in it? This index should save you some time, but it is not intended to be an all-encompassing document. I first began working on it from my own issues (Sep. 1965 onward) in order to fill out the name index for a book. I was primarily interested in references to articles that listed birth and death dates. When I went back to complete the index back to Vol. 1, No. 1, I decided to include information of a more general nature. Of course it is not possible (or necessary) to include all the references to astronomers such as Galileo, Kepler, or even Henry Norris Russell, but how else are you going to find a reference to Dr. G. Waltemath or to the astronomical pirate, Basil Ringrose? As a great deal of biographical information is contained in the column "Astronomical Scrapbook," I give in the
Extractions: The use of photography in scientific documentation had its origins in some of the earliest photographs taken during the 'era of experimentation' in the 1830s and 1840s, but as the century progressed, and as photography developed, a new generation of scientists began to see new potential for the medium. The book The Moon: Considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite by the Scottish scientists James Carpenter (1840-1899) and James Nasmyth (1808-1890) was published to demonstrate the origin of certain mountain ranges on the moon through erosion and age. In this image Nasmyth made natural yet startling comparisons of the moon to the back of a hand and a shrivelled apple.
Vitanet - Biblioteca Virtual Y Centro Tecnológico Free eBooksJames Nasmyth Engineer, An Autobiography, Nasmyth, James 18081890. Project Gutenberg,1999. James Otis The Pre-Revolutionist, Ridpath, http://www.vitanet.cl/busqueda/buscar.php?materia=NASMYTH, JAMES, 1808 - 1890
Scotsman.com Heritage History - Mark Of The Scots - 3 James Nasmyth (18081890) invented the steam hammer, lathe and pile driver openingup the way to mass production and steel frame buildings. http://heritage.scotsman.com/cfm/markofthescots/mark_section_specific.cfm?articl
Site-Map - Naesmyth.com James Hall Nasmyth (18081890). Alexander Nasmyth (1758-1840). PatrickNasmyth (1787-1831). Jeff Nesmith - 1998 Pulitzer Prize Winner http://www.naesmyth.com/site_map.htm
Extractions: Main Page Soundex Code 'The Flower of Scotland' - Scotland's Unofficial National Anthem Site-Map - Your looking at the Site-Map now - this link will open it in a new window The Autobiography of James Hall Nasmyth Main Menu Awards Biography Menu ... Robert Michael Nesmith (1942 - Present) George Washington Nesmith James Willis Nesmith Thomas Llewellyn Nesmith Adolphus Washington Greely U.S. Army Post - Fort Greely Telegrams during Greely's Command of San Francisco after the 1906 Earthquake (Reproductions) Telegram from A. W. Greely to Washington, D.C. - April 29, 1906 Telegram from A. W. Greely to Washington, D.C. - April 26, 1906 Telegram from E.E. Schmitz, Mayor of San Fransico to Washington, D.C. - June 14, 1906 Telegram from A. W. Greely to Washington, D.C. - May 3, 1906 Telegram from A. W. Greely to Washington, D.C. - May 9, 1906 Telegram from Acting Secretary of War to A.W. Greely - April 25, 1906 A. W. Greely is a Co-Founder of The National Geographic Society A. W. Greely is buried in the Arlington National Cemetery A. W. Greely is the subject of a
Names Index Page Nasmyth, James Hall (19 AUG 18081890) Nasmyth, Jane (1788-UNKNOWN) Nasmyth,Margaret (1791-UNKNOWN) Nasmyth, Mary (-UNKNOWN) Nasmyth, Michael (1754-1819) http://www.naesmyth.com/ft/names5.htm
Scientists Collection, American Philosophical Society Lassell, William, 17991880, to Nasmyth, James, 1808-1890, 1850 Aug. 30. Buckland,WH, to Unidentified recipient, 1850 Oct. 7 http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/s/scientists.htm
Extractions: (3 linear feet) American Philosophical Society 105 South Fifth Street * Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386 Table of contents Abstract The Scientists Collection is comprised of individual letters and small groups of correspondence from American, British, French, and German scientists during the past three centuries. Although the content is highly varied, there is significant strength in astronomy, natural history, conchology, and geology. Administrative information Scope and content The Scientists Collection is a miscellaneous assemblage of individual letters and small groups of correspondence of American and European scientists from the 17th through 20th centuries. The disciplines represented are varied, with significant depth in natural history, conchology, geology, and astronomy, and there are separate series for physicists (58 items, relating especially to Max Planck), and American-Russian scientific exchange prior to the Russian Revolution (46 items). The circle of Darwin and, more generally, of mid-19th century British natural historians, is also well represented in the Scientists Collection. Included in the collection are valuable letters from John Edward Gray, William Whewell, John Lubbock, and John Stevens Henslow, and there is a small set of letters from Robert Chambers, as well as a fascinating exchange between the publisher John Murray and the naturalist, Henry W. Bates, concerning publication of Bates'
Browse Title J 10. James Nasmyth, engineer an autobiography / Nasmyth, James 18081890,11. James Pethel 1915 / Beerbohm, Max, Sir, 1872-1956, 12. http://www.lib.ouhk.edu.hk/etext/result_title.php3?letter=J&mode=1&pageno=1&lang
Cleveland Museum Of Art - Special Exhibitions. Link to Online Tours, Online Tours. Provenance. portrait Previous object Next object . James Nasmyth (18081890). Overview, More Information http://www.clemusart.com/explore/work.asp?recordkeywordID=3761&recNo=4
Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion : Biographies : N Nasmyth, James 18081890 Assistant to Henry Maudslay. His inventions includea milling machine and a planing machine. Need, Samuel 17? http://members.aol.com/calderdale/b727_n.html
Extractions: Biographies N A B C D ... Z Nadin, Joseph Luddite meetings at Saint Crispin Inn . He was also involved in the Peterloo Massacre Napoleon [1769-1821] Aka Napoleon I Napoleon Bonaparte Boney . Emperor of France 1804-14 and 1814-15. He was born in Ajaccio, Corsica. From 1796, he was a general during the French Revolution . In 1799, he overthrew the ruling Directory and made himself dictator. From 1803, he conquered most of Europe and installed his brothers as puppet kings. After the Peninsular War and the retreat from Moscow in 1812, he was forced to abdicate 1814 and was banished to the island of Elba. In March 1815, he regained power but was defeated by British and Prussian forces at the Battle of Waterloo and exiled to the island of Saint Helena. In January 1816, the French decreed that the Bonaparte family were to be excluded from France forever. See Napoleonic Wars Nasmyth, James [1808-1890] Assistant to Henry Maudslay . His inventions include a milling machine and a planing machine Need, Samuel [17-1781] In 1771, he went into partnership with Jedediah Strutt and Sir Richard Arkwright , and built a water-powered factory at Cromford in Derbyshire Neirford, Maud de
MSIChicago | Exhibits | Frieze Of Names Scottish mathematician. Inventor of logarithms and author of decimal notation.Also extended spherical trigonometry. Ws15 Nasmyth, James, (18081890). http://www.msichicago.org/exhibit/frieze/
Extractions: Names on Museum Frieze The frieze, located above the balcony that encircles the rotunda of the museum, contains the names of many of the most influential scientific thinkers throughout history. Biographic notes These names may be individually located on the Frieze by applying the code for each to the Locational List. Thus the name ARISTOTLE (Ne2), is in the North court at the East end, second name from the left.
Index Nasmyth, James (18081890). Engineer, An Autobiography. Nation, CarrieAmelia (1846-1911). The Use and Need of the Life of Carrie A. Nation http://www.eshu.cn/en3k/titles/index-n.htm
LITTLE ENGINEERING GIANT Brunel brought the problem to James Nasmyth, (18081890) (See More Great Engineers on this web site) who, in solving Brunel s problem, invented the steam http://www.engr.mun.ca/~gpeters/5101brun.html
Extractions: Peter Hay, in his book on Brunel, [1] quotes from Nicholson's British Encyclopaedia, 1909: "Engineers are extremely necessary for these purposes; wherefore it is requisite that, besides being ingenious, they should be brave in proportion." Thus we are advised that engineers must not only be smart; they must also have nerve. We will spend a little time on such an engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who was involved in many projects. You may recall that he was mentioned in the "Out of the Fiery Furnace" video, in connection with his building of the iron ship "Great Britain", and we will see more of that shortly. He is interesting for several reasons. In his day, he ranked among the top half dozen engineers working in that heady Victorian period when the results of the Industrial Revolution were "transforming society". You may recall words said by Michael Charlton in the video just mentioned, which were published in "The Engineer" in 1910, and quoted in Rolt's biography of Brunel [14]: "In all that constitutes an engineer in the highest, fullest and best sense, Brunel had no contemporary, no predecessor.
Nasmyth James Nasmyth. Szkocki inzynier i wynalazca (18081890). Skonstruowal i opatentowalmlot parowy do kucia metali, który zbudowano wedlug jego projektu w roku http://www.wynalazki.mt.com.pl/twor/nasmyth.html
Global Network Of Astronomical Telescopes of casting strong mechanical mountings suitable for large telescopes was solvedby the use of the steam hammer invented by James Nasmyth (18081890). http://www.darksky.org/gnat/information/White Papers/kochhar.htm
Extractions: Koramangala, Bangaore 500 034, India (Paper presented at UN sponsored meeting in Bonn Germany Sep 1996) Historical Perspective About 200 years ago. a 9.5 cm aperture telescope was called a large telescope. London was then the centre of the world optical trade with John Dollond (1706-61), his son-in-law Jess Ransden (d.1800) and son Peter Dollond (d.1820) as the leading telescope makers. At that time, it was not possible to make good quality flint glass blanks of larger size, and the lenses were ground by trial and error. Credit for providing a scientific basis for optical engineering as well as for making large sized lens telescopes goes to Munich based Joseph Fraunhofer (1787-1826), who started his career as an 11 year old orphan in virtual bondage at an optics shop and rose to such eminence that on his death he received a state funeral. Originally, reflecting telescopes were made from the unwieldy speculum metal, an alloy of copper and tin. The invention, in 1856, of the silver-on-glass technique by the chemist Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) in a different context made it possible to make large, low-weight astronomical mirrors. the problem of casting strong mechanical mountings suitable for large telescopes was solved by the use of the steam hammer invented by James Nasmyth (1808-1890).
Museum Of Woodworking Tools - New Links Page - Continued The Autobiagraphy of Nasmyth, James, 18081890 James Nasmyth helped invent theindustrial revolution. Or more properly he invented some of the most http://www.antiquetools.com/lobby/sites_9.html
Extractions: Woodworker's Central - Home of the Woodworker's Website Association A site built by woodworkers for woodworkers with lots of varied, useful information. Features include the Info Exchange, Tool Survey, Accident Survey, several hand-built, searchable URL databases, The Woodworker's Gazette, an online magazine and The Woodworker's Maze - a timed contest to determine your knowledge of woodworking. Wood-worker.com Wood-worker.com is a website for both the beginning and advanced woodworker. The site contains many valuable resource sections including; free woodworking plans, wood properties, power tool comparison charts, articles, and much more. Woodturning reference and information site For the advancement of both amateur and professional woodturning WoodCentral Asite with tons of interesting features for woodworkers, including a well-known message frequented by experts, over 325 "Shop Shots" featuring vignettes of shop fixtures and finished work, tall tales from the Northwest, woodland lore and more. Stop by our Emporium to browse some of the eclectic and excellent products and services, and check into our chat room four nights a week for lively woodworking discussions. W5:WoodWorking on the World Wide Web This large links site has in addition to lots of links to most of the major woodworking sites on the WWW a large section devoted to software for woodworking. They also sell books on line in their bookstore.