English Classics 3000 Prehistoric Peoples Naidu, Sarojini (18791949) The Golden Threshold Nasmyth,James (1808-1890) Engineer, An Autobiography Nation http://book.nku.cn/book/english/n.html
Ingenious lunar photography. Object Number 193321. Date Made Maker Nasmyth, James,1808-1890. Place of Production Patricroft. In Collection http://www.ingenious.org.uk/See/Naturalworld/Astronomy/?target=SeeMedium&ObjectI
Ingenious Caption A Woodburytype photograph entitled Picture Map of the Moon ,taken by James Nasmyth 18081890, in about 1870. This is http://www.ingenious.org.uk/See/Naturalworld/Astronomy/?target=SeeMedium&ObjectI
Science And Society Picture Library - Search Oil painting by James Nasmyth (18081890), engineer and inventor of the steamhammer (invented in 1839; first demonstrated in 1845). http://www.scienceandsociety.co.uk/results.asp?image=10276175&wwwflag=&imagepos=
Science And Society Picture Library - Search James Nasmyth (18081890) worked in Maudslays London machine-shop before goingon to establish the Bridgewater Foundry at Patricroft, Greater Manchester, http://www.scienceandsociety.co.uk/results.asp?image=10320410&wwwflag=2&imagepos
Ornamental Turning Center - Important Machinist Biographies Nasmyth, James, 18081890. The steam hammer was patented by Nasmyth in 1842.Originally designed so that the hammer head was lifted when steam was applied http://www.turners.org/Articles/lathebio.html
Extractions: The following biographies discuss some of the world's greatest machinists. As you can tell from reading them, many of these machiist's knew each other and probably benefited from each other's knowledge and ideas. I also present a chart of these men's relationships which illustrates this idea grpahically. 'General' Bentham, was responsible for the construction and supervision of H.M. Dockyards. Perhaps the most important of these was, at the time of publication 1877, situated at Chatham "where every item of turnery, etc. is performed for the Navy, from boring the chamber of a pump to the turning of a button for a chest of drawers". It was at Chatham that Brunel's remarkable block making machinery was set up under Bentham's direction. A second set was also installed in Portsmouth Dockyard. The plant at Chatham, however, was never used since Portsmouth could supply all the blocks that the Navy required. Joseph Bramah was born at Stamborough in Yorkshire on April 1 3th 1749. When he was about sixteen he was incapacitated by an injury to his ankle and so was unable to follow his intended employment as an agricultural labourer.
Extractions: The following biographies discuss some of the world's greatest machinists. As you can tell from reading them, many of these machiist's knew each other and probably benefited from each other's knowledge and ideas. I also present a chart of these men's relationships which illustrates this idea grpahically. 'General' Bentham, was responsible for the construction and supervision of H.M. Dockyards. Perhaps the most important of these was, at the time of publication 1877, situated at Chatham "where every item of turnery, etc. is performed for the Navy, from boring the chamber of a pump to the turning of a button for a chest of drawers". It was at Chatham that Brunel's remarkable block making machinery was set up under Bentham's direction. A second set was also installed in Portsmouth Dockyard. The plant at Chatham, however, was never used since Portsmouth could supply all the blocks that the Navy required. BRAMAH, Joseph, 1748 - 1814
Encyclopedia: List Of People By Name: Na Nashe, Thomas (15671601), poet; Nasmyth, Alexander (1758-1840), Scottishpainter; Nasmyth, James (1808-1890), inventor; Nasmyth, Patrick (1787-1831), http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/List-of-people-by-name:-Na
Encyclopedia: List Of Scots William Murdoch, (17541839), pioneer of gas lighting James Nasmyth, (1808-1890), James Nasmyth James Hall Nasmyth (August 19, 1808 â May 7, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/List-of-Scots
Il Volto Della Luna - James Hall Nasmyth E James Carpenter Translate this page 20), Nasmyth, James Hall (1808-1890) e Carpenter, James (1840-1899), The MoonConsidered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite, Second edition, London, http://www.astrofilitrentini.it/mat/luna/p20.html
The Dictionary Of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists Nasmyth, James, 18081890, Astronomy. Newall, Hugh Frank, 1857-1944, Astronomy.Newall, Robert Stirling, 1812-1899, Astronomy http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/sci_entry.htm
Extractions: Set Details Full List of Entries Editors/Contributors Lname Fname Date Subject Area Abbott Edwin Abbott Mathematics Abel Clarke Botany Abel Frederick Augustus Chemistry Abney William de Wiveleslie Astronomy Accum Friedrich Chemistry Acland Henry Wentworth Medicine Acton Frances Botany Adams John Couch Astronomy Aikin Arthur Chemistry Aikin John Popularizer Airy George Biddell Astronomy Aitken John Physics Aiton William Townsend Botany Albright Arthur Chemistry Alcock Rachel Zoology Alder Joshua Zoology Ali Associate Laborer Allan Thomas Geology Allbutt Thomas Clifford Medicine Allen Grant Evolution Allinson Thomas Richard b. 1858 Alternative Sciences Allman George James Botany Alston Edward Richard Zoology Amherst Sarah Natural History Anderson Elizabeth Garrett Medicine Anderson John Natural History Anderson Thomas Chemistry Anderson Thomas Botany Andrews Henry C. fl. 1799-1828 Illustration Andrews Thomas Chemistry Andrews William Natural History Anning Mary Geology Ansted David, Thomas
History Of Astronomy: Persons (N) Nasmyth, James (18081890). Autobiography of James Nasmyth , London 1885. Neander,Ernst Albin (1878-1928). Very short biographical data and links http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_n.html
Extractions: Napier [Neper and numerous other forms], John (1550-1617) Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu (b. 1938) Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (1201-1274) Nasmyth, James (1808-1890) Neander, Ernst Albin Neander, Michael (1529-1581) Needham, Joseph (1900-1995) Neile, William (1637-1670) Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. Math.)
History Of Astronomy: Index Of Persons 1938); Nasir alDin al-Tusi (1201-1274); Nasmyth, James (1808-1890); Neander,Ernst Albin (1878-1928); Neander, Michael (1529-1581); Needham, http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers-index.html
Extractions: Aaronson, Marc (1950-1987) Abbadie, Antoine Thompson d' (1810-1897) Abbe, Cleveland (1838-1916) Abbe, Ernst (1840-1905) Abbon de Fleury [Abbo of Fleury; Albo; Albon Floriacensis] (c. 945-1004) Abbot, Charles Greeley (1872-1973) Abbott, Francis (1799-1883) Abbott, Francis (jnr) (1834-1903) Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829) Abell, George Ogden (1927 - 1983) Abetti, Antonio (1846-1928) Abetti, Giorgio (1882-1982) Abiosi [Abbiosi], Giovanni Battista [Jean-Baptiste] (fl. 1490-1520) Ablufarabius: see al-Farabi, Mohammed (ca. 870-950) Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie (1843-1920) Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi [Abraham Ben Chaja [Chija]; Abraham Judaeus] (ca. 1070-1136(?)) Abraham Ben Dior [Ben David, Harischon; Josophat Ben Levi] (12th c.) Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra: see Ezra, Abraham ben Meir ibn (1092-1167) Abraham Zachut (15th c.) Abu Abdallah al-Battani (868-929): see al-Battani
List Of Scots: Information From Answers.com William Murdoch, (17541839), pioneer of gas lighting James Nasmyth, (1808-1890),Steam Hammer John Shepherd-Barron, inventor of the ATM http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-scots
Extractions: showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping List of Scots Wikipedia List of Scots The following is a list of some of famous people from Scotland Robert Adam William Adam , (1689-1748) Father of Robert and architect and builder Robert Rowand Anderson Charles Cameron Charles Rennie Mackintosh architect ... designer and watercolourist, husband of
The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Nasmyth, James, 18081890 Nation, Carrie Amelia, 1846-1911 Naunton, Robert, Sir,1563-1635 Nelson, Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar, 1875-1935 AKA Dunbar, http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm
Encyklopedia: Nasmyth James Nasmyth James (18081890), szkocki inzynier i wynalazca, skonstruowal i opatentowalmlot parowy (1839-1842), wynalazl strugarke do rowków, wal gietki http://www.encyklopedia.pl/wiem/0023b7-p.html
Extractions: Poka¿ tylko zdjêcia, filmy i mapy Jak szukaæ? Dodaj do notesu Technika, Europa, Wielka Brytania, XIX i pocz±tek XX w. Nasmyth James (1808-1890), szkocki in¿ynier i wynalazca, skonstruowa³ i opatentowa³ m³ot parowy (1839-1842), wynalaz³ strugarkê do rowków, wa³ giêtki, udoskonali³ konstrukcjê teleskopu (teleskop... widzisz tylko tre¶ci has³a chcesz zobaczyæ resztê? dostêp do pe³nej wersji encyklopedii SMS tylko 3,66 z³ z VAT Wpisz kod: Dlaczego warto korzystaæ z WIEM? WIEM w internecie to najlepszy i najszybszy sposób uzyskania informacji o ¶wiecie. WIEM w internecie to codziennie aktualizowana i najbardziej aktualna encyklopedia internetowa w Polsce! WIEM zawiera obszern± bazê bogato ilustrowanych hase³. W serwisie specjalna wyszukiwarka do mediów, notes i kalendarium.
Famous Engineer 1937 Radio 23 Henry Maudslay 17711831 Machine tools, screw cutting lathe 24 WilliamMurdock 1754-1839 Gas lighting 25 James Nasmyth 1808-1890 Steam Hammer 26 http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~kss/ans.htm
Important Astronomers, Their Instruments And Discoveries 3 William Parsons (18001867); James Nasmyth (1808-1890); William Lassell (18XX-1880);Warren De la Rue (1815-1889). Achromatic Refracting Telescopes. http://obs.nineplanets.org/psc/hist3.html
Extractions: Important Astronomers, their Instruments and Discoveries by Paul M. Rybski Part 3 The Story of the Earliest Reflecting Telescopes Italian monk Niccolo Zucchi proposed (1616) a concave mirror to replace the refractor's objective lens. The poor shape of his mirror, added to the lack of means of viewing the image without blocking the mirror, caused Zucchi to give up on the idea. French astronomer Marin Mersenne proposed (1630) developing a reflector that used two concave mirrors, the smaller secondary mirror to reflect the light through a hole in the center of the larger primary mirror. Unfortunately, he was dissuaded from working on it further by French mathematician Ren Descartes. Scottish mathematician James Gregory proposed (1663) a two-mirror reflector with a concave, paraboloidal primary and concave, ellipsoidal secondary, the secondary bringing light to a focus inside the telescope tube and a convex eyepiece delivering light to the eye. Sadly, he did not construct a working version because he could not find a craftsperson skilled enough to grind and polish the required mirrors. English mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton (1648-1727) designed and constructed a two-mirror reflector (1668), a concave primary delivering a converging cone of light to a flat secondary mounted at a 45¡ angle to the optical axis which directed the light to a focus outside the tube where an eyepiece could be placed. A second such reflector was built and presented to the Royal Society in January of 1672.
Artwork Page James Nasmyth (1808-1890), Inventor Of The Steam David Octavius Hill; Robert Adamson James Nasmyth (18081890), Inventor of the SteamHammer in 1839 March 1844?, printed posthumously 1916 carbon print Printed http://cybermuse.gallery.ca/cybermuse/search/artwork_e.jsp?mkey=23858
Artwork Page James Nasmyth (1808-1890), Inventor Of The Steam zoom in, Add to My CyberMuse. David Octavius Hill; Robert Adamson James Nasmyth(18081890), Inventor of the Steam Hammer in 1839 March 1844 ? http://cybermuse.gallery.ca/cybermuse/search/artwork_e.jsp?mkey=23943