Let Me Tell You A Story Nicholas Kraynak (1959), John Opalenick (1961), Alexander Nanko (1963), Assisting Msgr. Smochko were the Fathers Basil Hutsko (1979), http://www.byzantines.net/stmary-parma/50 Golden Years.htm
Extractions: Let Me Tell You a Story ... 1938-1988: Yes, our roots as St. Mary Church, Cleveland, Ohio go back some 50 years. And well should we know our past - and celebrate it. A nation's history, a family tree, a man or a woman's biography - this knowledge of yesterday is as important for faith as it is an awareness of our civic, family or personal identity. If sometimes today we think we are more sophisticated, more learned, smarter, our vision brighter and larger, - let's not forget we stand on the shoulders of the men and women who went before us. The evangelist Matthew thought it important enough to track the geneology of Jesus back to Abraham; but St. Luke leaped over many more generations to trace Jesus back to Adam, and . . . GOD! LET ME TELL YOU A STORY . . . early in 1938 a group of men, residents of the Brooklyn district of Cleveland, met for the purpose of organizing a Byzantine Catholic parish. There were Stephen Monchak, Wasil Molchan, Wasil Zevchik, John Radio and Michael Kurak. The fruit of their labor was the compilation of the names of 137 families. God's hand led them to send a committee to report to the dean, Very Rev. Edmund Tabakovich, who accepted their invitation to be present at an assembly of the faithful on August 15, 1938. Also attending were the neighboring pastors: Fathers Stephen Petrick, John Krusko, Stephen Gulyassy and George Hritz (retired and now the only one living today, in Seven Hills).
Pat's Run - April 16, 2005 Translate this page Jessica 23 Mesa, AZ 1963 5557 285/294 62 Adamo, Nick 23 Mesa, Harold 88 Scottsdale, AZ 793 4611 31/53 3491 Hutsko, Jen 88 Glendale, http://www.raceplaceevents.com/pat05alp.htm
Extractions: 3227 Finishers: 2042 Males, 1185 Females Legend: blue=award winner; bold=P/R for this course (Raceplace info only) Pat's Run Finishers - Alphabetic Order Fin Finish Div/Tot Bib# Name Age City, State P/R Info Pos Time Pos/Fin 96 34:24 2/53 3846 Alvarado, Grace 88 Tempe, AZ 5 22:37 2/844 4771 Anderson, Travis 31 1753 47:18 728/844 150 Babcock, Daniel 33 Chandler, AZ 808 46:24 390/570 152 Baccam, Patti 30 Phoenix, AZ 404 40:32 189/570 153 Backens, Kelly 27 Chandler, AZ 682 35:48 88/247 154 Bacon, Brett 43 Peoria, AZ 624 35:21 258/844 3238 Bacon, Seth 33 Gilbert, AZ 130 28:55 34/294 5106 Baehelda, Rojey 24 33 24:56 5/122 161 Bair, Michael 41 Holmdel, NJ 1104 57:47 46/53 162 Baird, Janet 88 Mesa, AZ 880 47:44 431/570 164 Baker, Jennifer 29 Phoenix, AZ 1985 59:28 290/294 5110 Baker, Nick 22 561 42:57 272/570 4088 Baker, Susan 34 Chandler, AZ 66 26:55 11/247 166 Balady, Edward 44 Phoenix, AZ 1483 42:52 103/140 3809 Ball, Michael 51 Phoenix, AZ 590 43:22 2/13 171 Balser, Kathleen 62 Phoenix, AZ
Arlington National Cemetery - Surnames Ho-Hy - Arlington County 01/12/1989, VA Hurlbut, Joseph David, b. 08/08/1940, d 01/24/1985, VA Hutsko, Leona V, b. 01/26/1924, d Eugene Lester, b. 07/21/1908, d. 03/04/1963, US Army
GWHS Alexandria, VA E-Mail Ids Of Alumni Perry, Joseph (Joe) Peyton, Mary Ellen Trowbridge Class of 1963. Abercrombie, Betsey Myrick Abraham, Ann Anderson Adams, Robert Adler, Gordon http://gwhsaa.com/email.html
Extractions: E-Mail IDs for some Alumni by Class Back to Main GW Alumni Page This page updated July 15, 2005 The George Washington High School Alumni, listed below, by graduation class, have E-Mail capability. Their E-Mail addresses came from information in the public domain or the alumnus/alumna gave permission for his or her name and E-Mail address to be included on this page. Women's married surnames are in bold italics