Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Guthrie, William, 18351908 Haaren, John H. (John Henry), 1855-1916 Habberton,John, 1842-1921 Hackers, the Hadden, J. Cuthbert (James Cuthbert), 1861-1914
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Authors G-I Gross, Hans Gustav Adolf, 18471915 Grossmith, George, 1847-1912 Guest, Edgar A.(Edgar Albert), 1881-1959 Guthrie, William, 1835-1908
Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Guthrie, William, 18351908. Second Shetland Truck System Report. Gwynn, StephenLucius, 1864-1950. Life Of The Rt Hon Sir Charles W Dilke Volume 01
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Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Guthrie, William, 18351908 Second Shetland Truck System Report. Gwynn, StephenLucius, 1864-1950 Life Of The Rt Hon Sir Charles W Dilke Volume 01.
GUSEMAN Guthrie. 1821) Thomas (1818-) Thomas (1613-1666) William (1811-) William (1650-1732) 1793-1875) Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1835-1908) Francis II
Primary Source Microfilm S Online Guides 2 v. ; 23 cm.; UK57-55. Fiche 44445-44454 Guthrie, William, 1835-1908. The lawof trade unions in England and Scotland under the Trade Union Act, 1871.
DigitalBookIndex History Scotland (Scottish EBooks ETexts, On Guthrie, William 18351908, Second Shetland Truck System Report life in theShetland Islands during the 19th century, nd, Html, n/c, ElecScotland
Extractions: Taaffe, Eduard von (Austrian politician) Taban lo Liyong (Ugandan writer, critic, editor, educator) b.1938 Tabari, Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir at- (Arab historian) c.839-923 Tabataba'i, Sayyid Zia od-Din (Iranian politician) c.1888-1969 Tabinshwehti (King of Burma 1531-1550) Tabourot, Jehan (pseud. Thoinot Arbeau) (French scholar) Tacchini, Pietro (Italian astronomer) Tache, Sir Etienne Pascal (Canadian politician) Tachtsis, Kostas (Greek writer, translator) Tacitus, Cornelius (Roman orator, politician, historian) c.56-c.120 Tacitus, Marcus Claudius (Roman emperor 275-276) c.200-276 Taewon-gun (aka Yi Ha-ung) (Korean ruler) Taft, Alphonso (American jurist, politician) Taft, Charles Phelps (American lawyer, publisher; son of Al.) Taft, Horace Dutton (American educator; son of Alphonso) Taft, Lorado Zadoc (American sculptor) Taft, Robert Alphonso (American politician; son of W.H. Taft) Taft, William Howard (27th U.S. president, 1909-1913) Tagger, Theodor (pseudonym Ferdinand Bruckner) (Austrian poet) Tagliacozzi, Gaspare (Italian surgeon) Taglioni, Filippo (Italian ballet master, choreographer)
700000 People Connected With European Royalty 1909 Calhoun County, MS Buried Spouse William Frank Cook 3 Nov 1903 Buried SpouseLeroy Guthrie (Bef 1843 1830-1915) 1 Mother Celia Little (1835-1908) 1
Extractions: Web Welcome to It is my personal genealogy hobby website. The database published here has been gathered through 20 years of genealogy. Some of it is my original research - but most of the information has been shared with me. There are two versions of this data - the index to the one I wrote can be found here . The index to the one which was output by Legacy can be found here This data changes often. If you've arrived from a search engine, you might not see the information you were looking for. This website was updated on 16 Aug, 2005 You can sign my guestbook or email me here . If you want to know what this is all about - click here , or you can click here for help Rob Salzman
Scottish Books And Articles About Scotland Second Shetland Truck System Report by Guthrie, William, 18351908 Thisfile is 3.8Mb so you ll understand how large it is. It does
Project Gutenberg: Authors List Guthrie, William, 18351908. Haaren, John H. (John Henry), 1855-1916. Hackers, the.Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider), 1856-1925. Haies, Edward, fl. 1580.
Extractions: This is Project Gutenberg. This list has been downloaded from: "The Official and Original Project Gutenberg Web Site and Home Page" PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Last Updated: Monday 03 September 2001 by Pietro Di Miceli ( The following etext have been released by Project Gutenberg. This list serves as reference only. For downloading books, please use our catalogs or search at: Or check our FTP archive at: and etext subdirectories. For problems with the FTP archives (ONLY) email, be sure to include a description of what happened AND which mirror site you were using. THANKS for visiting Project Gutenberg. * (No Author Attributed) Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 AKA: Square, A Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877 Adams, Andy, 1859-1935 Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803 Adams, William Taylor, 1822-1897 AKA: Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897
Woodward Family Album DENICE (1958 ) William HIXON (1925-1960) William HOWARD (1955- ) JACKSON (1839-1862)ELIZABETH ANN (1835-1908) ELTON ( - ) Guthrie ( - ) JW ( - ) JAMES
Diary Of Michael Reid Hanger: Notes David Guthrie Bowyer (18371898). A native of Charlottesville, William FrederickWalz (1835-1908) A native of Germany, Walz came to the United States at
Extractions: 1. F. C. Tebbs, a Methodist Minister in Lexington. Francis McFarland , the minister at Bethel Presbyterian Church in Augusta County. Elisha Franklin Paxton (1823-5/3/63). A Rockbridge native and a graduate of Washington College, Yale and the University of Virginia Law School. He was a lawyer, farmer and President of the Bank of Rockbridge. He was the 1st Lieutenant of the company when they left Lexington. He was commended at Bull Run for gallantry on the field, in bearing the colors of a Georgia regiment, whose standard bearer had been shot down "...advanced before the regiment, waving his hat, was the first to plant our banner upon their battery." In August Paxton served as Aide de-camp to General "Stonewall" Jackson. In August, 1862 he was appoint Major and Quartermaster on Jackson's staff, although his duties involved those of the Assistant Adjutant General. With Jackson's urging he was promoted to Rrigadier General on 1 November, 1862 and placed in command of the "Stonewall Brigade." Paxton was killed at Chancellorsville on 3 May, 1863 at the head of the "Stonewall Brigade," leading a charge. 4. Probably
INDEX Guthrie. 1861) Ruby (1905 ) Samuel (1828- ) Sarah B. (1859- ) Warner Baine (1898- )William Flemon (1884-1970) William Henry (1835-1908) William Riley
Migrations Project - Surname Page John Henry FINNEY, abt 18351908, IL or IA. Robert Guthrie, 1756-1838, Waxhaw Settlement,Lancaster County, SC. Simon HANCOCK, abt 1744-1830, Prince William County
Online Archival Search Information System Gift of Chauncey C. Nash, 17 Mar 1947. Reed, Edwin, 18351908. US, 1882-1945. TLsto William Norman Guthrie; Washington, 1 Feb 1937. 1s.(1p.) env.
Extractions: OASIS : Online Archival Search Information System Quick search OASIS Home Search Browse Finding Aids Search History Portfolios Help Search OASIS Tips On searching OASIS (Online Archival Search Information System) provides centralized access to a growing percentage of finding aids for archival and manuscript collections at Harvard. These finding aids are detailed descriptions of collections that contain a wide variety of materials, including letters, diaries, photographs, drawings, printed material, and objects. For each collection described in OASIS there is a summary description in HOLLIS Search for: in Anywhere Names (All ) Personal Names Organizational Names Places Titles (books etc.) Subjects and Genres Call Number Dates Container Listing and or not (slow, up to 1 min.) near (slow, 1-2 min.) in Anywhere Names (All ) Personal Names Organizational Names Places Titles (books etc.)
West Garfield Park Community Collection 1.110 Cruse, Daniel (18351908) 1.110a Doherty, William H., 1940s 1920), 19031.113 Dunn, Evaline Guthrie (1824-1918), c. 1890 1.114 Dunn, William, 1906
Extractions: Historical Note Settlement of the area known as the West Garfield Park community was stimulated in the late 1800s by the extension of transportation and municipal services to the area. The building of railroad manufacturing shops by the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad (later the Chicago and North Western) in 1873 brought two thousand Scandinavian, Irish and German workers who settled to the west in what was then called Central Park. In 1878, the St. Mel parish was established at Keeler Avenue and Maypole Street. A number of other churches soon appeared, although until the 1900s only scattered and limited commercial and residential activity took place around the settlement. Early in 1889, as the western and southern portions of the community area were annexed to the city, Garfield Park became a major recreational area, stimulating settlement in the East Garfield Park community area. By 1920, more than 40,000 people lived in West Garfield Park. They were mainly first- and second-generation Irish and some Russian Jews. By 1930 population reached 50, 000, with more Russian Jews and some Italians moving in from farther east. Construction virtually ceased in 1930 with the onset of the Depression, and in the decades that followed population dropped considerably. The 1950s saw a substantial shift in the communities ethnic and racial composition, as African-Americans moved into the southeast region of the area and increasing numbers of Italians and Mexicans moved into the area.
Madison County Soldiers M, 22d Cav. d. at Andersonville Guthrie, Jeremiah 43 Madison Teamster Co. D, 97th NYSV 18351908 Brookfield HIBBARD, William Leroy Brookfield Co.
Extractions: Return to index page. NAME AGE FROM RANK UNIT DATES CEMETERY ARROWSMITH, George Return to top of the Name Index. Return to index page. Roanoke Commodore Perry Beckwith, Edward G. Madison Observer Return to top of the Name Index. Return to index page. Return to top of the Name Index. Return to index page.