Goodbye To All That By Robert Graves: The Folio Society: Robert von Ranke Graves (18951985) was born in Wimbledon, England. Graves was a prolific writer whose work included essays, translations, historical works,
Extractions: @import "css/folio_society.css"; @import "css/no_left_column.css"; We publish books that will stand the test of time, in handsome, imaginatively designed and beautifully made editions, at reasonable prices - a combination of quality and value that few publishers can match. Each volume of The Second World War is three-quarter bound in cloth, printed with a photograph on the front board, and blocked in red and gold. The six volumes are presented in two matching slipcases and illustrated with around 150 photographs. This is your opportunity to acquire them all - at a fraction of the published price when you join The Folio Society online! View The Second World War offer page for more information. 'One of the classic accounts of the Western Front' The Times on Goodbye to All That Robert Graves's poignant First World War memoir Goodbye to All That is an evocation of 'the sounds and smells and jargon of the trenches, the warmth and irritations of life under the shadow of destruction, the eccentricities of men condemned to a seemingly endless sojourn in limbo'. Graves's idyllic recollections - like cycling by moonlight over Salisbury Plain to visit Thomas Hardy - throw into relief the haunting images from Flanders' fields.
Web WordNet 2.0 1. Graves, Robert Graves, Robert Ranke Graves (English writer known for his interest in mythology and in the classics (18951985)) 1. grave (death of a
Extractions: HEY YOU! JOIN THE AMERICAN BUDDHA ONLINE LIBRARY We have your page here ABOL Members Sign In Email: Password: New Visitors Register Here Just on the other side of this webpage, ABOL members are meandering by the thousands through virtual gardens where art, cinema, science, literature, philosophy, politics and spiritual essays are in perpetual bloom. Consider: Monopoly Media Content Pricey! ABOL Membership Priceless! Through its vast collection of screen caps and its growing archive of Little Movies, ABOL transports members from Rob Reiner's Princess Bride to Stuart Urban's Preaching to the Perverted , from Fellini's Satyricon to Truffaut's Fahrenheit 451 , from John Waters' Hairspray to Akira Kurosawa's Yojimbo . ABOL's collection of screenplays spans from Frank Capra's Mr. Smith Goes To Washington , to Carl Sagan's Cosmos series, to Richard Linklater's Waking Life . ABOL's got biographies of artists, authors, and political figures from Lewis Carroll to Joey Ramone, famous works like Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech, complete with current commentary. It's all a little like The Garden of Forking Paths described by Jorge Luis Borges, or the fortress of the Goblin King in Jim Henson's cinematic tour de force
Graves Robert 'Ja, Klaudiusz' Klaudiusz , która napisal Robert von Ranke Graves, wykladowca St. John s Na grobie kazal sobie wyryc tylko napis Robert Graves poeta (1895-1985).,65370,2209635.html
Extractions: var ban_ts=1126377662243;var ban_dx=65370; var gemius_identifier = new String('bDDrsJhcwICe85TUSau1zpdQ7MRUkbfKwSyHJ4WDZeD.V7/arg=65370'); Blogi Forum Poczta Randki ... Gazeta Wyborcza on error resume next FlashMode = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.4"))) Sub TNAPRFNTFFJWRGMTQPNYTFYDFJDYEW_FSCommand(ByVal command, ByVal args) call TNAPRFNTFFJWRGMTQPNYTFYDFJDYEW_DoFSCommand(command, args) end sub
Graves Robert 'Ja, Klaudiusz' krewny od strony matki wielkiego niemieckiego historiografa Leopolda von Ranke. grobie kazal sobie wyryc tylko napis Robert Graves poeta (1895-1985).,55164,2209635.html
Extractions: var ban_ts=1126377663767;var ban_dx=19970; var gemius_identifier = new String('xL4C10g1u3Pbz5ULAYanvv27/arg=19970'); Blogi Forum Poczta Randki ... Gazeta Wyborcza on error resume next FlashMode = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.4"))) Sub TNAPRFNTFFJWRGMTQPNYTFYDFJDYEW_FSCommand(ByVal command, ByVal args) call TNAPRFNTFFJWRGMTQPNYTFYDFJDYEW_DoFSCommand(command, args) end sub Film Muzyka Ksi±¿ki Co jest grane ...
Robert Graves. Biografia, Libros, Citas Y Guia De Cine - Viaje Literario Translate this page Robert Graves (1895-1985). Robert Graves nació en Wimbledon, y compositor musical Alfred Percival Graves, mientras que su madre, Amalie von Ranke, Robert Graves 18951985 search biblion His mother, Amalie von Ranke Graves, was a great-niece of the German historian Leopold von Ranke (1795-1866).
Extractions: English poet, classical scholar, novelist, and critic who produced some 140 books. Graves is perhaps best known for the historical novel I, CLAUDIUS (1934), with its sequel CLAUDIUS THE GOD (1943), autobiographical war memoirs and controversial study THE WHITE GODDESS (1948), in which Graves rejects the patriarchal gods as sources of inspiration in favour of matriarchal powers of love and destructiveness. "Philosophy is antipoetic. Phisosophize about mankind and you brush aside individual uniqueness, which a poet cannot do without self-damage. Unless, for a start, he has a strong personal rhythm to vary his metrics, he is nothing. Poets mistrust philosophy. They know that once the heads are counted, each owner of a head loses his personal identify and becomes a number in some government scheme: if not as a slave or serf, at least as a party to the device of majority voting, which smothers personal views."
Author Pseudonyms Graves, Keller Kathryn Davenport, Evelyn Rogers Graves, Robert (Ranke) (18951985) John Doyle, Barbara Rich, Frank Richards Graves, Valerie
FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION: STORIES (by Author) Graves, Robert, Shout, The, 1952 APR ss, (18951985) 1st pub. in London in in 1929; basis of movie The Shout(1978); Robert Von Ranke Graves; UK poet,
Extractions: Index Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 ... W X Y Z Author Story Title Issue Date Type Comments Grant, C.L. Rest Is Silence, The 1974 SEP nv White Wolf Calling 1975 APR ss N-1975 NEB, short story; has anth. series Shadows(1978; W-1979 WFA; N-1979 LOC; vt Shadows II, 1987 UK), Shadows #2(1979), #3(1980), #4(1981; vt Shadows, 1987 UK), #5(1982), #6(1983), #7(1984), #8(1985), #9(1986), #10(1987), many awards nominations Three of Tens, The 1975 DEC ss has sf novel The Ravens of the Moon(1979); novels Mountainwitch(1980, as by Felicia Andrews), A Quiet Night of Fear(1981); has anth. Nightmares(1979; N-1980 LOC, WFA), The Best of Shadows(1988), Final Shadows(1991; N-1992 LOC, WFA) Crowd of Shadows, A 1976 JUN ss Grant, Charles L. Hear Me Now, My Sweet Abbey Rose 1978 MAR ss Caesar, Now Be Still 1978 SEP ss Love-Starved 1979 AUG ss has anth. Horrors(1981), Terrors(1982); The Dodd, Mead Gallery of Horror(1983; N-1984 WFA; vt Gallery of Horror, 1996), Midnight(1985), Night Visions 2(1985; N-1986 WFA), Night Visions 4(1987), After Midnight(1986); see iv in TWZ 1987 APR Secrets of the Heart 1980 MAR ss N-1980 NEB; 1981 LOC, short story; has colls. A Glow of Candles and Other Stories(1981; N-1982 LOC), Tales from the Nightside(1981; N-1982 WFA); novels Ravens of the Moon(1981), The Nestling(1982; N-1983 WFA), Night Songs(1984), The Teaparty(1985)
FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION: STORIES (by Date) Graves, Robert, Shout, The, ss, (18951985) 1st pub. in London in The Woburn Books in 1929; basis of movie The Shout(1978); Robert Von Ranke Graves;
Extractions: Issue Date Author Story Title Type Comments 1952 FEB Fyfe, H.B. Ransom ss Rape of the Lock, The ss Report From the Editors note readers' responses to Cornell Woolrich's novella, "Jane Brown's Body," #139, in 1951 OCT Struther, Jan Ugly Sister ss (1901-1953) 1st pub. in The London Mercury 1935 DEC; ps. for Joyce Maxtone Graham; coll. of ar's from The London Times, Mrs. Miniver(1939; made into 1942 movie), movie made 2nd most money in 1940s after Gone With the Wind; poetry coll. Glass Blower(1940) Poe, Edgar Allan Hunting of the Slan, The vi (1808-1849) an extract from Marginalia, 1st pub. in The Southern Literary Messenger, 1849 JUN; a 2-paragraph filler; edited 4 mags., Southern Literary Messenger(1835-37), The Gentleman's Mag.(1839-40), Graham's Mag.(1841-42), Broadway Journal(1845-46) Reynolds, L. Major Flood ss Bretnor, R. Mrs. Poppledore's Id nv Clingerman, Mildred Minister Without Portfolio ss (1918- ) her 1st pub. story; housewife from Arizona Coupling, J.J. Good Life, The ss (1910-2002) ps. for John Robinson Pierce; writer, scientist at Bell Labs(1952-71), Prof. at California Institute of Technology since 1971; 1st story pub. sf "The Relics from the Earth" in SWS 1930 Mar under his own name Sullivan, Edward S.
Graves, Robert (1895-1985) - Geister, Rituale, Zaubersprüche - Das Geisterarchi Translate this page Graves, Robert (1895-1985) Beschreibung Englischer Dichter und Romancier. er stets den Namen seines Vorfahren, des Historikers Leopold von Ranke in seinen, Rober
Stories, Listed By Author Graves, Robert (Von Ranke) (18951985) (chron.) * How to Do Things, (ar); Green Chartreuse. Collins Young Elizabethan Jul 1955. GRAVETT, SYDNEY A. (chron.
Extractions: and Pocket Libraries Index Previous Table-of-Contents GRAHAME, ARNOLD (chron.) (continued) GRAHAME, KENNETH (chron.) GRAHAME-WHITE, CLAUDE (chron.) GRAINGER, FRANCIS EDWARD (1857-1927); see pseudonym Headon Hill (chron.) GRAINGER, ROBIN (chron.) GRANGE, A. DEMAIN (chron.) GRANGER, HEATHER ; pseudonym of John Wheway (chron.) GRANT, EDWARD (chron.) GRANT, HOWARD ; pseudonym of W. George Wright (chron.) The Faked Semi-Final [ Kid McBride ], (nv)
Stories, Listed By Author Graves, Robert (Von Ranke) (18951985). The Abominable Mr. Gunn, (ss) Punch Jun 29 55. The Mathematical Magpie, ed. Clifton Fadiman, Simon Schuster, 1962
Extractions: Previous Table-of-Contents GRAHAM, JOYCE MAXTONE (1901-1953); see pseudonym Jan Struther GRAHAM, L. A. Three Verses, (pm), 1959 GRAHAM, PIPPIN ; pseudonym of Hilary Bailey GRAHAM, ROGER PHILIP (1909-1965); see pseudonym Rog Phillips GRAINGER, PETER (1916- ); see pseudonyms Peter Cartur Max Dancey Roger Flint Young GRANIN, DANIIL GRANOSKI, CLARENCE GRANT, ALAN ; pseudonym of Gerald Clarke GRANT, BEVERLY Stargrazing, (pm)
Überblick Translate this page Der Mythenforscher Robert von Ranke Graves (1895-1985) erarbeitete anhand seines wichtigsten Sachbuches Griechische Mythologie die Grundzüge der
Extractions: Diese interdisziplinäre Wissenschaft erforscht alle matrilinearen/matrifokalen/matriarchalen Gesellschaften, sowohl in ihren historischen wie in den gegenwärtigen Formen. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, unsere kulturellen Wurzeln aufzudecken, die Kulturgeschichte der Menschheit zu vervollständigen und ein neues kulturgeschichtliches Paradigma zu entwickeln. Gleichzeitig zeigt sie Wege auf für eine heutige "Gesellschaft in Balance" (siehe Weltkongress für Matriarchatsforschung ) und geht damit über die Grundlagenforschung hinaus. Geschichte Die Wissenschaft zur Untersuchung der Gesellschaftsform Matriarchat begann im 19. Jahrhundert mit dem Pionier Johann Jakob Bachofen (1815-1887), der den kulturhistorischen Zweig der Matriarchatsforschung begründete. Er erforschte anhand einer umfangreichen Materialsammlung hauptsächlich klassischer griechischer und römischer Texte die soziale Stellung der Frau in den vorklassischen Kulturen des östlichen Mittelmeeres. Außerdem zog er ethnographisches Material über die so genannte mutterrechtliche Gesellschaftsordnung heran und legte seine Ergebnisse in verschiedenen Werken nieder, darunter als wichtigste Das Mutterrecht Urreligion und antike Symbole (3 Bde., 1926) so wie
This Is Project Gutenberg This List Has Been Downloaded From The 18591932 Grammaticus, Saxo Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 1822-1885 Graves, Robert Ranke, 1895-1985 Green, Anna Katharine Gregory, Eliot, 1854-1915 Grey,
ŵµò¾ÜºÙɽ¼¨ Translate this page , 1895-1985. ?, Graves, Robert Ranke, 1895-1985. ?, Graves, Robert von Ranke. ?, Graves, Robert R.
Extractions: Contact us Help A to Z index Sorry, your browser can't show the date here. dqmcodebase = "/script/"; //script folder location You are here: Home Search the archives Accessions to repositories Choose a year Ronald Gorell Barnes, 3rd Baron Gorell (1884-1963), author: corresp with authors and politicians (Add 9439) Sir Rupert Charles Hart-Davis (b1907), author, editor and publisher: papers of and rel to Siegfried Sassoon (Add 9454) Edward King ( c 1735-1807), writer and antiquary: notebook (Add 9438)