- The man who married a dumb wife; a comedy in two acts by Curtis Hidden Page, 2010-08-03
- Filles et ga (French Edition) by Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel, 2010-08-01
- The crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (member of the Institute)
- Le jongleur de Notre-Dame by Anatole (1844-1924) France, 1924-01-01
- Aux étudiants; discours prononcé à la Maison des étudiants, le samedi 28 mai 1910, précédé de Sur le Mont Latin (French Edition)
- Mother of pearl by Frederic Chapman, 2010-08-31
- La vie littéraire (French Edition)
- La vie littéraire (French Edition)
- Les dieux ont soif by Anatole (1844-1924) France, 1912
- The Queen Pedauque. Translated from the 70th ed. by Jos. A.V. Stritzko
- The well of Saint Clare. A translation by Alfred Allinson - [Uniform Title: Puits de Sainte Claire. English] by Anatole (1844-1924) France, 1928-01-01
- The opinions of Jerome Coignard by Wilfrid S. b. 1871. tr Jackson, 2010-09-08
- Pierre Noziere by J Lewis b. 1873 May, 2010-09-08
- At the sign of the Reine Pe dauque, by Anatole France, translated by Mrs. Wilfrid Jackson, with illus. & decorations by Frank C. Pape and an introd. by William J. Locke by Anatole (1844-1924) France, 1926