Building A Digital Feminary {Foremothers} Sarah Fielding (17101768) {Foremothers} Sarah Fyge Field Egerton(1670 - 1723) author of The Female Advocate {Foremothers}.
Authors C-F Fielding, Sarah, 17101768 Filson, John, ca. 1747-1788 Fish, Carl Russell,1876-1932 Fisher, Joseph, the younger, of Youghal
National First Ladies' Library Educational Time Line Sarah Fielding (17101768), sister of Henry Fielding (1707-1754), publishes TheGoverness, the first English novel written expressly for children.
Works Sarah Fielding (17101768) The Adventures of David Simple (1744); Familiar Lettersbetween the Principal Characters in David Simple (1747);
Books Sarah Fielding 17101768. A book need not be about deafness to make us weightherole of hearing loss in our lives. All of us, deaf or not,
Extractions: Sarah Fielding 1710-1768 'A book need not be about deafness to make us weigh therole of hearing loss in our lives. All of us, deaf or not, have had the experience of readingsomething and realizing that it is speaking to us in a very personal way. Perhaps, as Fieldingsuggests in the quote above, certain books may even hold a mirror up to us, allowing us tosee ourselves in new ways. Just so was my recent experience with the book Stuttering: A LifeBound Up in Words by Martin Jezer. (Basic Books, 1997, $23.00)' 'Mr Jezer, a life-long stutterer of, by his own admission,epic proportions, describes in his book his attempts to deal with his expressive defect.A struggle, which as I read on, I came to understand was, to an astonishing degree, almost identicalto my own struggle with hearing loss.' 'By the time I was done reading,it was plain to me that communication deficits, whether induced by poor hearing, asin my case, or by poor speech, as with Mr Jezer, are remarkably similar in the psycho/social traumathey are capable of producing.' 'The author, for example, talks at length of avoidingusing the phone, of trying to fade into corners at parties in hopes thatno one will approach him for conversation, of having to rely "on the kindness of strangers" insuch situations as job interviews, of fear of rejection by society as a whole, and of thatold bugaboo that we with hearing loss are all too familiar with denial. I have often been asked byhearing friends how one can possibly deny something that is an obvious physical fact, and reading MrJezer's account of how he cut dead a budding friendship because his friend had acknowledged that his (Mr Jezer's) speech was a problem caused me to come close to tears. I don't know how we do it, but do it we do.'
Taylor 4 Fielding, Sarah, 17101768. 2 letters (1758-1759) to Samuel Richardson. Fitzgerald,Edward, 1809-1883. Correspondence I - 7 letters (1873-1883) to Miss
Extractions: Box/Folder Descriptions by Author and then by contents of each folder A Wood, Anthony, 1632-1695 (see: Wood, Anthony) A.E. (Russell, George William),1867-1935 2 manuscripts of verse (1904) with notes to [the Duchess of Sutherland]: "The Wind of Angus" (1 p.) and "Aphrodite" (1 p.) Addison, Joseph, 1672-1719 1 letter to [Edward Wortley Montagu], 1711; 1 document, 1704 1 letter to Ambrose Phillips, 1710; 1 letter to "Mr. Worsley," 1717 Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888 1 letter to her nephews, 1875 Jack and Jill (1880), 6 manuscript leaves Allston, Washington, 1779-1843 "Sonnet on the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge," 1 p., n.d. Anstey, Christopher, 1724-1805 1 letter to Mr. Dodsley, 1788 Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888 9 letters (1875-1876): 2 to Lucy Toulmin Smith, 1 to "Mr. Scherer," 1 to "Mr. Macgregor," 2 to "My dear Craik," 1 to Rev. H. Allen, 1 to Walter Richard Cassels, 1 to unidentified person Austen, Cassandra Elizabeth, 1773-1845 6 letters ([1837]-1844) to "Anna" (Mrs. B. Lefroy) Austen, Cassandra Leigh, 1739-1827
Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Journal Of A Voyage To Lisbon Volume 1; Works Volume 02. Fielding, Sarah,17101768 Governess, The; or, Little Female Academy. Filson, John, ca.
Mailing List Archives 11.3012.00 Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade (RUL) Sarah Fielding (1710-1768) enhaar network of intellectual friendships . 12.00-12.15 discussie
New Acquisitions: LC Class "P" Author Fielding, Sarah, 17101768. Title The history of Ophelia / Sarah Fielding ;edited by Peter Sabor. Publication Info Peterborough, Ont. ; Orchard
Extractions: P Linguistics PA Greek and Latin PB Modern European languages; Celtic languages PC Romance languages PD Old Germanic and Scandinavian languages PE English language PF Dutch, Flemish, German languages PG Slavic languages and literature PH Finno-Ugrian and Basque languages and literature PJ Middle Eastern languages and literature PK Indo-Iranian languages and literature PL East Asian, African, and Oceanic languages and literature PM American Indian; artificial languages PN Literature; literary history and collections Motion Pictures PQ Romance literature PR English Literature PS American literature PT Germanic literature PZ Children's literature To find the Location and current Status of an item on the list below, just copy its Call Number, Author, or Title into the search box. Then choose the appropriate type of search and click on the Search button. Choose a type of search: Call Number Author Title Call Number: Title: The handbook of speech perception / edited by David B. Pisoni and Robert E. Remez.
C18-L Bibliographies Jim May S Checklist Of Recent Work On Women Fielding, Sarah (17101768). The Correspondence of Henry and Sarah Fielding.Edited by Martin C. Battestin and Clive T. Probyn. Oxford Clarendon, 1993. - Research Centre and Fielding Sarah (17101768) Sarah Fielding sister of the novelistHenry Fielding was highly praised by Firbank Ronald - Research Centre Fielding Sarah (17101768) Sarah Fielding sister of the novelist Henry Fieldingwas highly praised by Fifth Monarchists Fifth Monarchy Men
Neder-L 11.3012.00, Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade (RUL) Sarah Fielding (1710-1768) enhaar network of intellectual friendships . 12.00-12.15, discussie
Extractions: Utrecht, Drift 21, Diepenbrockzaal Geachte collega's en belangstellenden, Bij dezen nodigen wij u hartelijk uit voor de feestelijke vijftiende studiedag van het Werkverband Vrouwenstudies/Neerlandistiek/ Literatuurgeschiedschrijving op vrijdag 20 april a.s., te Utrecht. De studiedag, die deze keer een meer openbaar karakter heeft, zal onder de titel 'Oude en Nieuwe Media' gewijd zijn aan het NWO-HI-project 'Schrijfsters en hun publieken, 1700-1880', dat onder leiding staat van Suzan van Dijk. Aan de hand van twee voorbeelden zal een indruk worden gegeven van de mogelijkheden die databases en elektronische publicatievormen bieden voor het bedrijven van (vrouwen)literatuurgeschiedenis. Binnen het project 'Schrijfsters en hun publieken' wordt gepoogd het functioneren van vrouwelijke auteurs uit deze periode beter te begrijpen en inzichtelijk te maken. Daartoe wordt gebruik gemaakt van oude en van nieuwe media: reacties op het werk en de persoon van schrijfsters worden onder andere gevonden in contemporaine tijdschriften. De daar - en elders - gevonden receptiegegevens worden opgeslagen en hanteerbaar gemaakt met behulp van een database op Internet. Aangezien het project zijn oorsprong heeft in de samenwerking binnen het Werkverband, is besloten om, als afronding van de huidige eerste fase van het onderzoek, ook in dit kader - en daarom in Utrecht - enkele eerste resultaten ervan te presenteren.
New Titles Listing - Monash University Library Translate this page Fielding, Sarah, 1710-1768. Matheson Library Main Collection, 820.5 F459.2 A6/A2002. Bestiary / Coral Hull. Hull, Coral, 1965-, Matheson Library Main
Extractions: Other General and Subject lists are also avaliable. Faculty of Arts Title Author Collection Call Number New Fontana dictionary of modern thought / edited by Alan Bullock and Stephen Trombley. Caulfield Reference Collection Introduction to documentary / Bill Nichols. Nichols, Bill. Matheson Library Undergraduate Collection 070.18 N616.I 2001 Broadcast news writing, reporting, and producing / Ted White. White, Ted, 1926- Berwick Library Editors on editing : what writers need to know about what editors do / selected, edited, and with commentary and preface by Gerald Gross. Berwick Library Editors on editing : what writers need to know about what editors do / selected, edited, and with commentary and preface by Gerald Gross. Peninsula General Collection Knowledge management in the digital newsroom / Stephen Quinn.
PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Ferber, Edna, 18871968 Ferri, Enrico, 1856-1929 Field, Ellen Robena Field, Eugene,1850-1895 Fielding, Henry, 1707-1754 Fielding, Sarah, 1710-1768 Filson, John
Extractions: Our Catalogue Search ... Mills Home Page March 2003 The following list is arranged alphabetically by title, within each subject area. For further information about these books, including call numbers and availability, please consult MORRIS Anthropology Classics Communications Divinity College ... Women's Studies Click here to go back to New Books Anthropology Return to Top Shepherd, Rowena. Shepherd, Rupert. 1000 symbols Alexander, Marc, 1929- Fischer, Steven R. A history of the Pacific Islands Acculturation : advances in theory, measurement, and applied research Pezzati, Alessandro. University of Pennsylvania. Museum of Archaeology and Anthr Adventures in photography : expeditions of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Paolillo, John C., 1960- Analyzing linguistic variation : statistical models and methods Fitzhugh, Ben. Habu, Junko, 1959- Beyond foraging and collecting : evolutionary change in hunter- gatherer settlement systems Effros, Bonnie, 1965-
Opie A. Srories Fielding (Sarah) 17101768. The governess. Sixth edition. T. Cadell. 1781,16.75 x 10.5cm. Opie A 455. Fielding (Sarah) 1710-1768. The governess.
Extractions: Opie A 54 Opie A 55 ABBOTT (Jacob) 1803-1879. Caleb in the country. Allman. [n.d.] [c.1863], 11.25 x 7.25cm. Opie A 56 ABBOTT (Jacob) 1803-1879. Caleb in town. Allman. 1840, 12 x 7.25cm. Opie A 57 Opie A 58 ABBOTT (Jacob) 1803-1879. Caleb in town. Allman. [n.d.] [c.1863], 11 x 7.5cm. Opie A 59 Opie A 60 Opie A 61 Opie A 62 Opie A 63 Opie A 64 Opie A 65 Opie A 66 Opie A 67 Opie A 68 Opie A 69 ABBOTT (Jacob) 1803-1879. Rodolphus. Allman. 1859, 15 x 10cm. Opie A 70 [ABBOTT (Jacob)] 1803-1879. Rollo at play. A new edition. Boston, Phillips, Sampson. [n.d.] [c.1860], 15.5 x 10.25cm. Opie A 71 ABBOTT (Jacob) 1803-1879. Rollo at work. Hodson. 1848, 14.25 x 11.25cm. Opie A 72 Opie A 73 Opie A 74 Opie A 75 Opie A 76 ABBOTT (Jacob) 1803-1879. Wallace. G. Routledge and sons. [n.d.], 15.5 x 10.5cm. Opie A 1276 Opie A 77 Abridgement of the new Robinson Crusoe . J.H. Campe Academy . W. MacKenzie The ACCIDENTS OF CHILDHOOD, narrated in short stories... Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd. [n.d.] [inscrbd.1824], 14.5 x 9cm. Opie A 78 ADAMS (Charlotte Priscilla (Coker)) 1793/4-1873. The stolen child. John W. Parker. 1838, 15.25 x 10cm.
Listing By AUTHOR - F - Fielding, Sarah, 17101768 Governess, The; or, Little Female Academy. Filson,John, ca. 1747-1788 Life And Adventures Of Colonel Daniel Boon.[F].htm