Extractions: Brides ~ "O" Bride's Last Name Bride's First Name Groom's Last Name Groom's First Name Year Film Tif Image Oakley Martha L. Dwyre George G. Obashil Mary Berberich Leopold Obenberger Theresia Neusletter Antony Oberdoerfer Anna Becker Georg Oberdoerfer Franzicka Lell Jacob Oberdorffer Elisabethe Maerz Joseph Oberfeld Sophie Fetling Carl Oberfeld Sophie Fetting Carl Oberfeld Mrs. Mary Wenzel Johannes Oberfield Mary Garvens Otto Friederick William Oberheile Ernestine Sophia Wilhelmine Starke Heinrich Christof Oberle Rosa Hahnefeld G. K. Oberle Mary Samenfink Lucas Obermann Johannette Raeser Christoph Obermann Katharine Vermont Reinhold Obermeier Franzis Rasche Philipp Obete Goellet Zimmerman Adolph Obrecht Mrs. Elizabeth Klein Gerhard O'Brein Sara Dempsey Thomas O'Brian Mary Blaesy John B. O'Brian Mary Ann T. Rohan John H. O'Brien Mary Butler John O'Brien Elizabeth Byrnes Peter O'Brien Catherine Clines John O'Brien Margarete Daley Edward O'Brien Mrs. Kate Duggan John O'Brien Josephine Ellis Richard O'Brien Ellen Gern John O'Brien Mary Haevey Michael O'Brien Hanah Hoye James O'Brien Mary Jane Hughs Charles O'Brien Bridget Leahy John O'Brien Nancy Mahan Timothy O'Brien Nancy Mahan Timothy O'Brien Julia Ann McCloskey Owen J.
St. George's Marriages - St. Catharines July 25 George Elsey and Anne Diegnan, both of the City of Hamilton; witnessesGeorge 18 - Archie Storrs and Annie Williams, both of St. Catharines; http://www.oldniagara.ca/history/stgeorgesrom.htm
Extractions: Contributed by: Wendy Standish Point of interest (this is added by Wendy): This A. F. Atkinson who performed so many of these marriages was the Rector of St. George's Parish (an Anglican church, by the way) from 1840 to 1864. According to this book he seems to have been very popular, unlike some other ministers who are recorded in it. His full name was Reverend Abraham Fuller Atkinson, and he died February 24, 1866, at the age of 63 years, at his residence, Queen St., Toronto. He had been educated at Trinity College, Dublin, coming to Canada in 1827. He was soon ordained by Dr. Charles Jas. Stewart, Bishop of Quebec. He spent 8 years in Montreal, 4 years in Kingston, then went to St.Catharines.
Amherst College Biographical Record: Class Of 1867 NH Vols., 186263; Andover TS, 1867-69; ap Greenville and Moose River, Me., 1869-70; *Donnell, James Dickinson. BF 1, 1842. Registered from Hatfield. http://www.amherst.edu/~rjyanco/genealogy/acbiorecord/1867.html
Extractions: (from the Amherst College Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921) Previous Class... Menu Index ... Ballard , Benjamin Franklin Whittemore . S. of John and Elisabeth (Simmons), b. Griggsville, Ill., Ap. 15, 1844. Prepared W. Newton H. S. Civil engineer Lavernia, Tex., also teacher several years; admitted to bar, Floresville, Tex., 1877; lawyer there, 18(?)-1909; retired. State and county attorney. D. Floresville, Tex., O. 29, 1924. Married S. 12, 1883, Lissie A., da. of John P. Houston, Lavernia, Tex. Ch. Bessie (d.); Mary; John H.; Gertrude A.; Edith I. Barber , George Warren . S. of Harlow and Lavinia W. (Howard), b. Warwick, D. 3, 1835. M. A., A. C., 1885. Prepared Westfield Normal School and Kimball Union Acad., N. H. Priv. Co. E., 9th Regt. N. H. Vols., 1862-63; Andover T. S., 1867-69; a. p. Greenville and Moose River, Me., 1869-70; chaplain of Nat. Home for Disabled Soldiers, Augusta, Me., 1870-73; ordained Hallowell, Me., F. 26, 1873; librarian and p. m. Nat. Home for Disabled U. S. Vols., Milwaukee, Wis., 1873-86. D. Milwaukee, Wis., S. 26, 1886. Married S. 17, 1877, Emma C., da. of Peter Schelette, Boston. 4 ch.
HISTORY OF CINCINNATI AND HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO His first wife, Mary Klein, was born in 1817, and died in 1862, Annie is astenographer, employed in the auditor s office of the B. OSWRR Co.; http://www.heritagepursuit.com/Hamilton/HamiltonBio921.htm
Extractions: HISTORY OF CINCINNATI AND HAMILTON COUNTY. - 921 GEORGE WEBER 922 - HISTORY OF CINCINNATI AND HAMILTON COUNTY was instrumental in securing the lot for St. George's Church in Corryville, and donated all of the pressed brick required in building this handsome church. He also donated the life-sized bronze statue of St. Francis to the church of that name, located at Liberty and Vine streets. Politically he was a Democrat, and served as register of elections for several years. EDWARD N. BOTH ADAM KLEIN JOHN P. PFAFF HISTORY OF CINCINNATI AND HAMILTON COUNTY. - 923 Pythias. While he resided in Linwood Mr. Pfaff was a member of the village council. In 1864 he enlisted in Company C, One Hundred and Thirty-eighth O. V. I., and served until the close of the war. He is an active member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Post No. 200, and is Past Commander. In 1890 he was elected junior vice-commander of that Post. BIOGRAPHIES OF HAMILTON COUNTY OUTSIDE OF CINCINNATI STEPHEN J. SUTTON , farmer, was born in Anderson township, Hamilton Co., Ohio, June 29, 1816, the son of Stephen and Deborah (Justis) Sutton. His father was born in New Jersey in 1760, of English descent, and served three years in the American army during the war for Independence. He died in September, 1846. He was twice married, first time to Hannah Wood, who died in 1809; his second wife died September 6,1869. He was the father of fourteen children, three of whom survive: Stephen J.; Harvey W.; and Harriet A. Harvey W. was captain in a cavalry regiment during the Civil war.
Marriages At Sea 28, Mistress of the Seas, 42652, 2007-1862, Johnson, George, 24, Harrington,JJ, Clerk 74, Olympia, 63865, 14-10-1873, Hamilton, Annie, 22 http://www.theshipslist.com/Forms/marriagesatsea.html
Extractions: Use the FREE 14-Day Trial to find Ancestors! Immigration Reports Illustrated London News Trivia Frequently Asked Questions Marriages At Sea Register of Marriages at Sea in the Public Record Office (ref: BT 334/117) Our thanks to Debbie Beavis for this transcription. Marriage number Ship Name Port O.N Date of Marriage Surname 1st Name 2nd Name Age Status Occupation Additional Biographical Notes Master Surname Master 1st Name Minister Surname Minister 1st Name General Notes Palmyra Homan John Ramsden Stratford Homan J R McArthur George F Palmyra Green Elizth Banbury Homan J R McArthur George F Malabar Noaks E Master Noakes Edward Ryan Rt Rev Dr, Bishop of Mauritius Malabar Bonar Marie Noakes Edward Ryan Rt Rev Dr, Bishop of Mauritius Lady Peel Darch Samuel Farmer Devon Moon Edward H R Moon Edward H R Lady Peel Symons Spinster Devon Moon Edward H R Moon Edward H R Edinburgh Glasgow Hastie James Parish of Carnwath, Lanarkshire
Hamilton Family Genealogy Forum (All Messages) Farris Whitten Hamilton born June 12, 1862 in Lincoln Co. LYDIAHamilton-York,southberwick area MAINE - Edward Donnell 12/10/02 http://genforum.genealogy.com/hamilton/all.html
Extractions: DisplayAdBanner("Top,Right,Bottom!Top", 468, 60 , "boards/") Chat Daily Search My GenForum Community Standards ... Terms of Service Jump to Forum Home Surnames : Hamilton Family Genealogy Forum (All Messages) Also see Hambleton Hamalton Hamilton Family Genealogy Forum (All Messages) Search this forum:
Names Index Page KoukalHamilton, August Harlan (7 Jul 1928-5 Feb 1995) 1862-) O Donnell,Neil (ca. 1858-17 May 1892) O Donnell, Susan Margaret Susie (26 Nov 1890-) http://www.gwheeler.com/html/names3.htm
Joel Loveland Great Grandson Of Thomas Loveland Died 2 Dec 1862 in Moira, Franklin, New York. Buried About 2 Dec 1862 in Annie Goodwin Nye Loveland Donnell. Daughter of Arthur Donnell Susanna Howes http://www.execulink.com/~loveland/Joel.htm
Extractions: Joel LOVELAND He was detached from the 10th Company, 2nd Connecticut Regiment for the Quebec expedition under Benedict Arnold. He married UNKNOWN. They had the following children: He married Molly HOWES, 12 Dec 1781 in Chatham, Massachusetts. They had the following children: Daniel LOVELAND . Son of Joel LOVELAND Served in the Revolutionary War, enlisting Feb 12, 1778 for 3 years with Captain Barnards Company, 3rd Connecticut Regiment. I also have a reference to a convict Daniel Loveland being deported to Colonial America by the Co. Middlesex Quarter Sessions in August 1769 aboard the ship "Douglas". It doesn't say where to exactly. «5 He married Ruth KEENY, 12 Jan 1784 in Waterbury, Washington, Vermont. Born About 1760 in Glastonbury, Hartford, Connecticut. Died 1799 in Waterbury, Washington, Vermont. Richard Keeney owned land bordering on the properties of (son) Robert and (gson) Thomas Loveland of Thomas Loveland. Possibly Ruth's father or grandfather?
Extractions: St. Thomas Cemetery West Avenue Section AN St. Thomas, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada Gravestone Inscriptions Revised and formatted for the Internet 9 December 2002 by BruceC.JohnsonJr. AN001. large red granite on grey granite base, cathedral top (W) 3 chain link symbol/ Thomas B. WRIGHT / Born in Devonshire England April 21, 1832 / Died September 16, 1907 / Grace Maria LEWIS / Beloved wife of / Thomas Brock WRIGHT / Born April 12th 1830 / Died Jan. 12th 1909./ WRIGHT 3Fs: father, Elizabeth, lamb (W) Elizabeth FRY / Born Nov. 10, 1828 / Died Mar. 3, 1886 / Winfred G. WRIGHT Born May 26, 1881 / Died Dec. 13, 1889 / Frederick William / WRIGHT 2Fs: illegible AN002. red granite on grey granite base, flowers on each corner (W) WRIGHT / Frederick Wm. WRIGHT / 1858 - 1924 / Beloved husband of / Margaret STUART / 1860 - 1952 / Their son / Brock 1890 - 1886 (E) John Wright MITCHELL / May 31, 1917 - June 3, 1917 AN003. large red granite on grey granite base (W) Eva C. TONGE / 1885 - 1963 / Beloved wife of / Rev. A. Murray STUART D.D.
62d Pennsylvania Volunteers: History Of J M E McKee May 27, 1862 McKee is listed as engaged in the Battle of Hanover Court House, Eighteen listings down from McKee was Miss Annie Hamilton, age 24, http://www.ithaca.edu/staff/jhenderson/pa62d/mckee.html
Extractions: 62d Pennsylvania Volunteers HISTORY OF THE LIFE OF JOHN MATTHEW EZEKIEL MCKEE Prepared by Dr. William E. Howard III John Matthew Ezekiel McKee was born February 1, 1833 in Strabane, Co. Tyrone (Near Londonderry), Northern Ireland. (Ref.2 and 43). His family was of Scottish origin and his father was a druggist in the town and a member of the Church of England, being a Warden of the Parish in which he was residing. McKee was baptized in the Strabane parish church as an infant. He was confirmed at the age of sixteen in the Cathedral of Londonderry by the late Bishop Ponsonby, Bishop of the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe, the predecessor of Bishop Higgins, who had that position in April 1866. He had been a Sunday School teacher in his parish church prior to emigrating to America. He said that he had a strong desire since his childhood to emigrate to the United States. His education had been an English one, with only a slight knowledge of the Latin and Greek languages. (Ref 43) In a letter to Cecil Frances McKee Bacon, Martha B. (This is Martha Bates, see below) wrote on November 5, 1923 from 374 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, NY: "Your grandmother's favorite brother was called John. When your grandfather suggested calling your father for his two grandfathers, Matthew and Ezekiel, your grandmother said, 'Call him for my brother, John and you can tack on as many other names as you like!'" (Ref.1) September 8, 1848:
The Parish Bulletin Notice Board - Co Derry Ireland Then in 1896 she was a sponsor for my mother Annie MCDonnell born in 1896 in A daughter Jane O Donnell (1881) married a McCann? and this family is http://www.lmi.utvinternet.com/notboard.htm
Extractions: Menu The Parish Bulletin Saint Mary's Chapel The Parochial House Holy Communion ... Home Page Notice board. Boyle. From the 1930's to the early fifties Irish language classes took place in Lavey parish.It is my understanding that a regular class took place in Drummuck with Miss Margaret (Maggie ) Boyle as teacher.A number of people attended this class from Mayogall ,Dreenan and Upperlands.I am interested in hearing from anyone who can remember anything about this Irish class and any other Irish classes in the Lavey area.Cassie Murray was a great teacher and promoter of Irish in our parish.Any help much appreciated and you can contact me Micheal Boyle boylemicheal@hotmail.com Britton Seeking information on ancestors/descendants of Patrick Britton and Eleanor McNally. They both lived in Lavey Parish. Patrick was from Mayogall and Eleanor from Dreenan. First child Hugh was born 1884 in Mayogall. Family moved to USA around 1886 although child Hugh remained due to illness. Patrick and Eleanor settled in Chicage, Illinois with other children Bridget(Beatrice), Mary, James and Frances.
The Descendants Of James Reid Annie MARGARET REID, b. 1858. viii. MARY ELIZA REID, b. 17 Jan 1862; d. She married ROBERT O Donnell 13 Feb 1889 in At the manse, Glassville, http://www.islandregister.com/reid2.html
Extractions: The Descendants of James Reid Suggest This Page To A Friend! The Descendants of James Reid Generation No. 1 JAMES REID (ALEXANDER was born 1777 in County Londonderry, Ireland, and died 06 Mar 1863 in Glassville, Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada. He married (1) REBECCA SPEARS Bef. 1809 in Ireland. She was born in Scotland, and died Bef. 1828 in Ireland. He married (2) ISABELLA BARCLAY 1828 in Ireland. She was born Abt. 1803 in Glasgow, Scotland, and died 1861 in New Brunswick, Canada. Children of JAMES REID and REBECCA SPEARS are: 2. i. WILLIAM REID, b. 1809, Ireland; d. 1891, Prince Edward Island. 3. ii. JAMES A. REID SR., b. 1811, Ireland; d. 20 Feb 1900, Prince Edward Island. 4. iii. ANDREW REID, b. 22 Sep 1820, Donegal, Ireland; d. 10 Mar 1906, Summerside, Prince Edward Island. iv. ALEXANDER REID, b. Aft. 1820, Ireland. v. CATHERINE REID, b. Aft. 1822, Ireland.
Extractions: There are two (2) options for searching within the Data Boards: Search - if you click this option you can search all postings within this individual Data Board Search all XXXX County Boards - if you click this option you will be able to search all Data Boards for this particular county. Post New Marriage Record (Un)Subscribe Search Set Preferences ... Blair County Blair County Genealogy Project Marriage Record Board Marriage Record Index Welcome! Marriage Records Posted (Alphabetical Listing) Aikens, Aschze O.; Jane A. Gibbons Kim Koser Maldonado August 18 2005 Beegle, Lloyd K.; Rebecca E. Lingenfelter Carol Eddleman September 7 2005 Black, Charles; Mary Hess Carol Eddleman August 28 2005 Burket, Isaac; Ella Claar Carol Eddleman September 3 2005 Buyers, William; Mary Rainey Carol Eddleman August 26 2005 Camerer, Arch R.; Verna I. Bowser Carol Eddleman September 7 2005 Christian, Daniel; Elizabeth Stayley Carol Eddleman August 26 2005 Cornyn, A. K.; Ellen Anderson
Highland Cemetery Ashland Glover, Annie E. 329-1864, 4-30-1956. Glover, Grace M. 7-11-1896, 7-30-1913 Hall, Henry P. 2-13-1862, 4-3-1939. Hamilton, Robert E. 1921, 1921 http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ks/county/clark/cemeteries/highlandcemak.htm
Extractions: Ashland, Clark County, Kansas Partially transcribed by Cindy Hoffman Koegel on May 3, 2002. A - K L - Z Name Birth Date Death Date Other Information Abbott, Cleon G. S/W Abbott, Marian Mar. 11-26-1955 Abbott, Steven Cleon Abell, Charles Edward Abell, Infant Abell, F. M. S/W Abell, Alice Adams, Anna Wife of Thomas Adkson, Opal N. (Haydock) Ainsworth, Frances M. Ainsworth, Henry G. Ainsworth, Ettie A. Ainsworth, Willard L. ... Albers, John H. S/W Albers, Amelia Aldridge, Katherine M. S/W Aldridge, Clarence E. Aldridge, George E. Aldridge, Eliza J. S/W Aldridge, Jasper N. Aldridge, Walter E. Aldridge-Bonillas, Katherine May Allen, Verlen Allison, Frank Allison, Barbara B. Allison, John F. ... Allman, G. W. Co a 5 Regt Inf MO State Guard CSA Allmon, Mary Ann Andrews, Cleta O. S/W Andrews, Bert F. Mar. 11-1-1909 Arnn, Edith Arnold, Frank M. Arnold, Ifie M. Arnold, Frank Dakin ... Baker, Helen L. S/W Baker, Mark B. Baker, Elva I. Baker, Roberta E. Baker, Robert D. ... Baker, Grace E. S/W Baker, Amos R. Banning, Maj. J. M. 121st Ohio Inf Bare, Chester Isaac
North Carolina Collection-Biographical Clippings O NAME O Donnell, John Edward (18661957) CALL NO. CRBo N87 REEL NO. 28 NAME Oakley, Annie (pseud. for Moses, Phoebe Ann Oakley) (1860-1926) CALL NO. http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/ref/b75/b75O.html
West Penwith Resources - Penzance To Akron (1) Lelant, Cornwall 1893 wife; Annie White b. 1896 Newlyn West children; Douglas b . 1982 Akron, wife; Glady Hugh ( second wife; Phillis May Hamilton) b. http://west-penwith.org.uk/ohio1.htm
Extractions: Resources Advanced search Search tips This is a list of Cornish (largely from the Penzance area) who came to Akron, Ohio during the 1910 time period to work in the five major rubber factories in town. Most of the names were obtained from naturalization records or marriage documents in Summit County Court House and birth and death records. Posted by Linda Mann CFHS#09757 to CORNISH-GEN-L from 21 Sept to 29 Oct 2002. First Page Previous Page Next Page First Page Previous Page Next Page
Farmers Director J-Q KINCAID Annie Miss, 1897. KINCAID James E, Lillie Tankersley, 1853 O Donnell Wm,Alice B Smothers, 1862. OLIVER Samuel J, Nellie M Bennett, 1907 http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilmaga/scott/farm1.html
Extractions: NAMES WIFE IN CO JACKSON Chas A Lottie L Gilliland JACKSON W W Jennie Wilcox JASPER Chas Minnie Hubbs JEFFERSON Geo Amelia Teague JEFFERSON J W Mary E Rogers JOHNSON Alden Estella Cain JOHNSON Herman JONES Chas P Isabelle Dobson JONES Claud Lucy Tankersley JONES Geo R Rebecca Lashmett JONES J A Louise Sellars JONES Warren A Lill R Andell JONES W H Lizzie J Herron JONES W S KAIKER Joseph Charlotte McLaughlen KEEMER John D Lillie Markillie KELLEY Chas Lucy Ogle KELLEY John Dora Thompson KELLEY Geo Ella Greenwood KESTERSON Harvey Annei Bunch KESTERSON J S Sarah Langley KILLEBREW Thos S Ethel W Miller KILVER Frank Dora Placke KILVER Herman Lena Marsh KILVER H H Anna Hobrock KINCAID Annie Miss KINCAID James E Lillie Tankersley KING Geo Sadie Welch KING James Minnie Welch KING Thos Maggie Currans KING Wm Joie Henry KIRKPATRICK Wm E Nellie Clark KITSELMAN J S Kate Andell KLEINSCHMIDT Wm KNAPP J R Beatrice Jones KNAPP Wm A Amrildia Brown KNAPP Wm A Margarett McLaughlin KOCH Harry H Emma Tomhave KORTY Fred H Stella Morris KORTY Jenry W Fannie Funk KORTY Lewis W Ada Sawyers KORTY Mary L KREMS Homer Fern Denton KRUEGER Henry KRUSA Chas H Ina Vannier KUNK Gustav Rosie Comes LAKAMP Gust Annie Cholen LANDRETH Edward Myrtle M Roedersheimer LANGDON J H Theresa Housten LANIER Leland Helen Stephens LASHMET Geo Emma Callans LAWLESS John Emma Thady LAWLESS J D Ellen E Jordan LAWLESS M D Alice Howell LAWLESS Roy E Mary Fletcher LAWSON Albert Mary Hayes LAWSON Fredrick Elizabeth Bunch LAWSON Harry Alice Suter LAWSON H Toney Cecil eVans LAWSON J H
Index BRIGGMAN Dora Ann Annie (1880 1971); BROWN Cynthia AM (1824 - 1872) Donnell Mary Ann (1844 - 1874); DOUGLASS Mary L. (1840 - 1875) http://kinnexions.com/reunion/hazelrigg/fg_idx/idx001.htm
Extractions: A B C D ... Wilma ADAMS Susie ALLEY Cyrus ALMSTEDT Leroy Carl ANDERSON Rosella ANTHONY Vern APPELBY ARMITAGE Fredericka ARRASMITH Tollie BAIRD Angelina BALDWIN Rhea Gladys BALL Elizabeth BARKLEY Oliver BARNES Robert Morrow Sr. Thomas BARNETT William BARRYMAN Catharine BEALL Eleanor BELL Leoma BOARDMAN James Rice BOLTS John BOONE George BOYD May BRIGGMAN Dora Ann 'Annie' BROWN Cynthia A. M. BURGER BURNS Susan Rice BUTTERFIELD Will BYRUM Carl Lee Sr. CALDWELL Sarah CASSIDY Lillie May CASSITY Elizabeth William Miller CAWLEY Sue CHENAULT Courtlant P. CHILES Thomas Dillard CHRISTY Elizabeth CHRONISTER John CLEVELAND Anna COCHRAN Mary Pate COCKRILL Peter COLE Ollie COLLIER Patty Rose Robert L. CONNER Irene COOKE Jessie Hough COSBY Lucinda Ann COTTRELL Cyannah H. COX Lillie May CRAYCRAFT Louis Frances Polly CRUSE William Thomas DAVIS Olive M. (-?-) Thomas W. DAWSON Bettie Ann DEAN Nancy M. DEWILL Cyntha DOBYNS Leroy DONAHUE Daniel DONNELL Mary Ann DOUGLASS Mary L. DOUGLASS PEAK Rebecca DOYLE Mary E. ELLINGTON Dorathay ELLIOTT Isaac Jr. ELLIS Benjamin Vaughn EMBREE Pastor Martillas EUBANK Mary 'Polly' FAIRES Amy G. FALLIN Jane FENDLEY Ida Ann FERREE Sarah FICKLIN Delilah Margaret Madison FINK Josephine FISHBACK Sarah C. 'Sally'
Hall, Gillespie Sherwood and Carr Wiggs to Samuel Strickland and Robert Dennistoun, 1862; 2 Annie Rebecca Hamilton papers taxes, 19251927; probated will, 1928; http://www.trentu.ca/library/archives/94-001.htm
Extractions: TRENT UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES Fonds Level Description Hall, Gillespie Law Firm, 1857-1993 TITLE Hall, Gillespie Law Firm fonds. 1831-1977. 8.5 m of textual records. 14 maps. BIOGRAPHY / HISTORY CUSTODIAL HISTORY This fonds was created by the law firm of Hall, Gillespie. It was transferred to the Trent University Archives by Lois Davidson, legal consultant for the firm of McMichael, Davidson, who helped wind down, dispose of and terminate the law firm of Hall, Gillespie. SCOPE AND CONTENT This fonds consists of records from the law firm and practice of Hall, Gillespie, from its beginnings with Robert Dennistoun, to its termination with John Gillespie. This fonds consists of land search books, case files, estate records from probates of wills and succession of duty papers to surety bonds, and lists of assets and debts. It also consists of correspondence, the firm's written history, maps, deeds and associated papers, mortgages, debentures, bills of sale and other legal records. The records in this fonds deal primarily with people and places in the City and County of Peterborough as well as its surrounding area. NOTES Title based on creator of fonds.
Atchison County, Part 22 They have two children, bot daughters Annie and Mary. JOHN J. O Donnell,head bookkeeper in the wholesale grocery house of AB Symms Co., http://www.kancoll.org/books/cutler/atchison/atchison-co-p22.html
Extractions: KANSAS COLLECTION BOOKS William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas J. C. NORTH came to the State of Kansas, January 13, 1870; located at Atchison, and engaged in the retail and jobbing grocery business, which he still continues, it now amounting to about $60,000 per year. Mr. North was born in McKey Township, Mifflin Co., Pa., January 13, 1855, that being his home until he removed to Kansas. He was married at Atchison, May 26, 1880, to Miss Belle Leu, daughter of Jacob Leu. They have one child, named Esther Ann. Mr. N. is a member of the Knights of Pythias. ALONZO OCOBOCH, merchant, came to Kansas, April, 1878, and located in Atchison, where he has since resided. Mr. O. was born in Chautauqua County, N. Y., August 15, 1852, where he resided until his eighth year, when his parents removed to Henry County, Ill., where he lived until his removal to Atchison. Mr. Ocoboch was married in Geneseo, Henry Co., Ill., in February, 1874, to Mary Ella Reis, a native of Henry County, Ill. They have a boy and a girl, whose names are Herman Burtis, and Pearl. JOHN W. PAGE, residence 1527 Commercial street, fireman on the Central Branch of the M. P. R. R., is the son of Linles B. Page, who came to Atchison in 1855 and took a claim on Deer Creek, three miles north of the present city, on which he lived two years. He then removed to Atchison and opened a butcher shop, where the subject of this sketch was born, September 27, 1857. he attended the schools of Atchison, and worked at various occupations until 1879, when he commenced railroading with the above company, first as wiper for one year, then as fireman, which he has followed since. Mr. Page is a member of the Locomotive Fireman's Brotherhood of Atchison, No. 31. His wife is Elizabeth, daughter of William Ross of Wellington, Kan., who was one of the early pioneers of that section of the State. They were married August 28, 1878. Mr. Page's father now resides near St. Joe., Mo.