Enciclopedia Universal Translate this page 1524 - Luís Vaz de Camões, primer poeta épico Portugal portugués. 1688 - PierreCarlet de Chamblain de Marivaux, dramaturgo y novelista Francia francés. http://enciclopediauniversal.com/wiki/4_de_febrero
Neolivros - Livros Digitais Translate this page Poema épico de Luís de Camões, publicado em 1572 A vida de Camões não é Foram seuspais Simão Vaz de Camões, segundo neto do trovador galego Vasco Pires http://www.neolivros.com/index.php/neolivros/content/view/full/96?eZSESSIDneoliv
Lissabonline - Lissabon - Padrão Dos Descobrimentos Translate this page Jh.) Nuno Gonçalves (Maler 15. Jh.) Luís Vaz de Camões (Dichter ca. 1524-1572) FreiHenrique de Carvalho (Theologe 15./16. Jh.) Frei Gonçalo (Theologe 17. http://www.lissabonline.de/index.php?module=pagesetter&func=viewpub&tid=1&pid=5&
Sinomar Calmona Vaz de Camões (1524) 26 - Dia doTécnico Agropecuário; Nascimetno de Luís Fernando Veríssimo (1936) http://www.sinomar.com.br/datas.asp
Memória Virtual Translate this page Luís Vaz de Camões nasceu provavelmente em Lisboa (ou Coimbra?), em 1524 ou 1525,numa família da pequena nobreza, de origem galega, filho de Simão Vaz de http://www.bloglist.com.br/abre.php?blog=13345
Amor De Perdição - Base De Dados Translate this page A tempestuosa existência errante de Luís Vaz de Camões (1524-80), o grande épico,desde os tempos irreverentes em Coimbra (1542) aos amores contrariados http://amordeperdicao.pt/filmes.asp?filmeid=119
Vasco Da Gama - Slider problems that arose in India, he was sent to the subcontinent once more in 1524 . The Portuguese national epic , the Lusíadas of Luís Vaz de Camões http://enc.slider.com/Enc/Vasco_da_Gama
Extractions: Vaz Vasco da Gama Vasco da Gama (c. December 24 ), was a Portuguese explorer who was the first person to sail directly from Europe to India From the early 15th century , the nautical school of Henry the Navigator had been extending Portuguese knowledge of the coast of Africa . From the , the goal had become one of rounding that continent's southern extremity and gaining easier access to the riches of India (mainly black pepper and other spices ) through a reliable sea route instead of the costly and unsafe overland route. Da Gama was born in Sines . He was slightly younger than 30 years old as these long-term plans were coming to fruition. Bartolomeu Dias had returned from rounding the Cape of Good Hope and exploring as far as the Fish River in modern-day South Africa , while Pero da Covilh£ in India had explored south for some of the distance intervening between subcontinent and the end of explorations. It remained only for the two segments to be joined into one voyage. This task was given to Da Gama's father, Estªv£o da Gama, but he died before he could begin. Vasco was then given the job on the strength of his work for the Portuguese crown along the
Vasco Da Gama â Wikipedia Portugalilainen kansaneepos Lusiadas of Luís Vaz de Camões kertoo pitkältiVasco da Gaman matkoista. Haettu osoitteesta http//fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/ http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasco_da_Gama
Extractions: Vasco da Gama, portugalilainen tutkimusmatkailija Vasco da Gama 24. joulukuuta ) oli portugalilainen tutkimusmatkailija . H¤n oli ensimm¤inen Euroopasta Intiaan Malabariin ) purjehtinut. 1400-luvun alusta saakka Portugalin prinssi Henrik Purjehtija (1394â1460) oli laajentanut portugalilaisten Afrikan rannikon tuntemusta. 1460-luvusta asti tavoitteeksi oli tullut kiert¤¤ maanosan etel¤inen k¤rki ja saada suora yhteys Intian rikkauksiin - p¤¤osin sen mustapippuri- ja muuhun maustetuotantoon. Portugalin Sinesiss¤ syntynyt da Gama oli juuri kolmekymmenvuotias kun n¤m¤ pitk¤n t¤ht¤imen tavoitteet l¤heniv¤t toteutumistaan. Bartolomeus Diaz oli palannut Hyv¤ntoivonniemen kiert¤neelt¤ matkaltaan ja oli tutkinut Afrikan rannikkoa aina Visrivierille asti (joki nykyisess¤ Namibiassa ). Intian suunnasta Pero da Covilh£ oli vastaavasti tutkinut etel¤¤n p¤in rannikkoa. Meritien purjehtiminen kokonaan annettiin teht¤v¤ksi da Gaman is¤lle, Estªv£o da Gamalle. H¤n kuitenkin kuoli ennen kuin aloitti matkansa. Ty¶ annettiin Vasco da Gamalle, koska h¤n oli aikaisemminkin ty¶skennellyt vakuuttavasti Portugalin kruunulle Afrikan Kultarannikolla. 8. hein¤kuuta
4 De Febrero Translate this page Nacimientos. 1524 - Luís Vaz de Camões, primer poeta épico portugués. 1688 - PierreCarlet de Chamblain de Marivaux, dramaturgo y novelista francés. http://enciclopedia.cc/4_de_febrero
Biography Of Vasco Gama arose in India, he was sent to the subcontinent once more in 1524. The Portuguese national epic , the Lusiadas of Luís Vaz de Camões largely concerns http://biography-1.qardinalinfo.com/g/Gama_Vasco.html
Extractions: From the early 15th century, the nautical school of Henry the Navigator had been extending Portuguese knowledge of the coast of Africa. From the 1460s, the goal had become one of rounding that continent's southern extremity and gaining direct access to the riches of India, mainly black pepper and other spices. Born in Sines, Portugal, da Gama was just shy of thirty years old as these long-term plans were coming to fruition. Bartolomeu Dias had returned from rounding the Cape of Good Hope and exploring as far as the Fish River in modern-day South Africa, while from India Pedro de Corvilhã had explored south for some of the distance intervening between Dias' explorations and the subcontinent. It remained only for the two segments to be joined into one voyage. This task was given to Da Gama's father, Estêvão da Gama, but he died before he could begin. Vasco was then given the job on the strength of his work for the Portuguese crown along the Gold Coast of Africa. On July 8, 1497 four ships (the São Gabriel, the São Rafael, the Berrio, and a storage ship of unknown name) left Lisbon and the voyage began. Upon his return to Portugal in September 1499, da Gama was richly rewarded as the man who had brought to fruition a plan that had taken eighty years. He was given the title "Admiral of the Indian Ocean", and on February 12, 1502 he sailed again with a fleet of twenty warships to enforce Portuguese interests. Pedro Álvares Cabral had been sent out two years earlier (on which voyage he incidentally discovered Brazil) and found that those at the trading post had been murdered, encountered further resistance and bombarded Calicut.
4 Feb History. and for his leadership of a national insurrection in Poland. 1688 Pierre deMarivaux, Paris. 1524 Luís Vaz de Camões, primer poeta épico portugués. http://www.safran-arts.com/42day/history/h4feb/h4feb04.html
Extractions: (Monday) Enterasys Networks (ETS) stock is downgraded from Buy to Hold by CSFB brokerage. So do stock holders hold? Many of them rush to sell, and they find ready buyers... at distress prices. From the previous close at $10.80, ETS drops as low as $4.13 intraday and closes at $4.20. . The next day ETS would have an intraday low of $3.29 and close at $4.00.. (1) The US Senate rejects a motion to call Monica Lewinsky to testify in person before the Senate impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. But the senators and the viewing audience will get the opportunity to hear from the former White House intern, as the Senate agreed to allow portions of her videotaped deposition to be played during the summation and closing statement phase of the trial. Both the House managers and White House counsel will get the chance to play excerpts from this week's depositions of Lewinsky, presidential confidant Vernon Jordan and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal
Vasco Da Gama - Wikipedia Translate this page Da Gama vi si ritirò, ma venne richiamato in servizio nel 1524, Il poemanazionale del Portogallo, le Lusíadas di Luís Vaz de Camões tratta http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasco_da_Gama
Language School Explorer - Information About Vasco_da_Gama that arose in India, he was sent to the subcontinent once morein 1524. The Portuguese nationalepic , the Lusíadas of Luís Vaz de Camões largely concerns http://language.school-explorer.com/info/Vasco_da_Gama
Extractions: Language Afrikaans Arabic Armenian Assamese Asturian Basque Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Cambodian Cantonese Catalan Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French Georgian German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Kantonese Ketchua Korean Lithuanian Malay Malayalam Mandarin Mongolian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romenian Russian Samoan Serbian Slovak Slovene Spanish Swedish Taiwanese Thai Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese Xhosa Zulu Country City LINK TO US
D.Manuel I Camões só nasceu, provavelmente, em 1524; por isso, não foi o rei D. http://www.instituto-camoes.pt/cvc/historiasdivertidas/manuscritomist/04.html
Extractions: heio de curiosidade, fui ler sobre D. Manuel I . Mais um dos grandes reis da nossa história! Incrível! Só no seu reinado, fizeram-se dois dos maiores empreendimentos do período dos Descobrimentos: o caminho marítimo para a Índia, em 1498, por Vasco da Gama e a chegada ao Brasil, em 1500, por Pedro Álvares Cabral (veja-se a «Carta de Pêro Vaz de Caminha» dirigida a D. Manuel, da Terra de Vera Cruz). Ah!... Mas diz aqui que este rei governou Portugal de 1495 a 1521, ano em que morreu! Ora, o nome do poeta é «Luís... Camões»; talvez seja necessário também investigar sobre as datas do nascimento e da morte do Poeta Não! Não é possível, afinal. Camões só nasceu, provavelmente, em 1524; por isso, não foi o rei D. Manuel a assinar o manuscrito. Só me resta, então, continuar a minha pesquisa com D. Sebastião.
Datas Comemorativas - Fevereiro Luís de Camões), que possamos praticar este http://www.nossosaopaulo.com.br/Reg_SP/Amar_Instruir/Ainst_DatasFevereiro.htm
Extractions: 01 de FEVEREIRO Dia do (Museu Virtual - Nascimento de Mozart Camargo Guarnieri Nascimento de Glenn Miller Alton Glenn Miller Nascimento de Adriana Lessa Adriana Vitor Lessa Nascimento de Brandon Lee Brandon Bruce Lee Nascimento de Clark Gable William Clark Gable ), astro do cinema internacional, em Cadiz, Ohio-EUA, no ano de 1901.
Chronology 1524. Estêvão Gomes of Oporto, previously the chief pilot for Magalhães (commonlyknown as The Luís de Camões Portuguese Library in Oakland, California, http://www.loc.gov/rr/hispanic/portam/chronology.html
Extractions: Manoel da Silveira Cardozo wrote in his book The Portuguese in America, 590 B.C.-1974: A Chronology and Fact Book that the history of the Portuguese presence in the United States may be roughly divided into two distinct periods: before and after the Civil War. According to Cardozo, the Portuguese migrants' "earlier achievements were different from the later ones, and the dimensions are quite unique, but the divisions of time are part of the larger whole, and the happenings in each must be seen in the same way" (vi). He maintained that the Portuguese "have proportionately furnished more immigrants to the Western [hemisphere] than any other nation of Europe" (vi). The two great Portuguese communities in the United States, one in New England and the other in California, both of which have grown substantially within the last one hundred years, are separated by distance, climate, and even occupation. Although many of the Portuguese in Hawaii left the islands, mostly for California, their presence too should not be forgotten. Other historians divide the Portuguese presence in what are now the United States into three periods. Leo Pap, in his
Vasco Da Gama: Der Seeweg Nach Indien Mehr über Camões undsein Gedicht. Vasco da Gama zum Vizekönig von Indien befördert (1524). http://www.mertola.de/gama.html
Extractions: Die Beherrschung dieser Seeroute war die wichtigste Voraussetzung, um die arabische Vormacht im Asienhandel zu brechen. Erst nachdem die vermeintliche Entdeckung Indiens auf der Westroute durch Kolumbus sich als Irrtum erwiesen hatte, fuhr Vasco da Gama 1497 mit drei Schiffen auf der Ostroute nach Indien (Calcut). Nachdem da Gama eine Meuterei seiner an Skorbut leidenden Matrosen mit eiserner Faust gebrochen hatte, umsegelte er den Kap der Guten Hoffnung Gama machte sich sofort daran, die Vormachtsstellung der Moslems beim Handel mit brachialer Gewalt zu brechen. 1502 folgte die zweite Reise In Cochin In Calcut
4 De Febreiro - Wikipedia estadounidense (m. 1975). editar. Mortes. 1894 - Adolphe Sax, luthier, http://gl.wikipedia.org/wiki/4_de_febreiro
Extractions: @import url("http://www.blogger.com/css/blog_controls.css"); @import url("http://www.blogger.com/dyn-css/authorization.css?blogID=7600940"); Segunda-feira, Fevereiro 14, 2005 Talvez tenha nascido em 1524 ou talvez em 1525, talvez tenha nascido em Lisboa ou talvez em Coimbra, talvez tenha sido acolhido na corte portuguesa aos 18 anos ou talvez aos 19, perde o olho direito numa batalha talvez em Ceuta. Explorando as incertezas históricas acerca da sua vida, a Companhia do Chapitô apresenta em reposição Talvez Camões, para ser visto de 10 a 27 de Fevereiro de 2005. Monte Olimpo, séc. XVI: os deuses gregos encontram-se mergulhados numa profunda depressão haviam sido esquecidos. A Humanidade está, na sua maioria, convertida ao monoteísmo. Invejoso da popularidade da Bíblia, Júpiter envia Baco à Terra para conceber um filho, Camões. Os Deuses pretendiam que este escrevesse um famoso livro enaltecendo os deuses do Olimpo e de como ajudaram Vasco da Gama na sua viagem marítima rumo ao oriente. Começa assim uma Odisseia reinventada que relata inúmeros factos que os historiadores talvez desconheçam. No seu estilo inconfundível e com a direcção de John Mowat, a Companhia do Chapitô apresenta-nos uma visão hilariante do nosso maior poeta, brincando com todas as incertezas históricas da sua vida e obra e desmitificando a figura que todos estudámos na escola. Poucas certezas há sobre a vida do famoso poeta português Luís Vaz de Camões, autor de "Os Lusíadas".