MSN Encarta - Brownson, Orestes Augustus Brownson, Orestes Augustus (18031876), American author and clergyman, best knownfor his many writings about his varied religious experiences . - Books By Orestes Brownson Reviewed Orestes Augustus Brownson (Acton Institute for the Study of Religion -Chapter4 Early Nineteenth Century Orestes Augustus Brownson (1803-1876) (PAL
Extractions: THE REPUBLICAN: Orestes Brownson and the Truth About America (Peter Augustine Lawler, December 2002, First Things) With Brownson and Murray, we can say that there is an American tradition of Thomistic realism that opposes itself to the dominant American tradition of contractualism and pragmatism, while also resolutely affirming the achievement of American constitutionalism. We might add to the American Thomist tradition the great literary artists Walker Percy and Flannery O'Connor . Percy, for example, realistically affirmed the truth and goodness of science while also rejecting scientific claims that do not acknowledge the reality of the distinctive excellence, and destiny, of human beings. Brownson and Murray teach us the important lesson that the beliefs we hold in common as Americans must really be true if our liberty is to be defensible. Where Brownson goes beyond Murray is in his robust defense of the necessarily national or territorial character of democracy. This was arguably his keenest insightand one that contemporary Catholics, in America and elsewhere, inclined as they are toward skepticism of national sovereignty and admiration of transpolitical institutions, would do well to ponder. For Brownson, national solidarity is a natural human potential rooted in necessary human dependence. It also accords with the real but limited human powers of knowing and loving one another. The universality of reason and even religion, given our natural possibilities and limitations, cannot be the model for political order. The proper political form is thus the nation, the modern equivalent of the polis. Brownson thought national solidarity perfectly compatible with the solidarity of the human race through reason and faith, as long as the state was properly oriented toward the truth.
Orestes Augustus Brownson spacer, Orestes Augustus Brownson Orestes Augustus Brownson (18031876) Religiousphilosopher. A Vermont Calvinist, Orestes Brownson spent his seventy-three
Extractions: A Vermont Calvinist, Orestes Brownson spent his seventy-three years on a religious pilgrimage that included Presbyterianism, Universalism, his own Society for Christian Union and Progress, and finally, Roman Catholicism. He wrote prodigiously on such topics as labor and social reform, transcendentalism, states' rights, nativism, and emancipation; and he demonstrated his versatility in the writing of mystical poetry. After converting to the Roman Catholic Church in 1844, he devoted his journal, Brownson's Quarterly Review , to the spread of Catholic doctrine. He recounted his inner experiences in The Convert; or, Leaves from My Experience
Orestes Augustus Brownson Orestes Augustus Brownson Orestes Augustus Brownson (18031876). Back to Biography.
New Catholic Dictionary: Brownson, Orestes Augustus Brownson, Orestes Augustus. (18031876) Philosopher, essayist, and reviewer,born Stockbridge, Vermont; died Detroit, Michigan. He
Extractions: ) Philosopher, essayist, and reviewer, born Stockbridge, Vermont; died Detroit, Michigan. He was ordained a Universalist minister, but later denying all Divine revelation, left the ministry and adopted Robert Dale Owen's communistic theories of property and marriage. In sympathy for the working classes led him to preach as an independent minister. For the next 12 years he was associated with the Unitarians. Through the "Boston Quarterly Review" (eventually "Brownson's Quarterly Review") his political theories excited much attention. In he became a Catholic, thereafter devoting his pen to the defense of his Faith. He is the author of numerous works, several of them in the form of novels. He disclaimed having originated any form of philosophy, and acknowledged freely what he borrowed from others. Principal works: " New Views of Christianity, Society and the Church Charles Elwood The Mediatorial Life of Jesus The Spirit Rapper The Convert, or Leaves from my Experience The American Republic, its Constitution, Tendencies and Destiny
Orestes Brownson - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Orestes Augustus Brownson (18031876) was a New England intellectual and activist,preacher and labor organizer. Brownson is best remembered for his
Extractions: Orestes Augustus Brownson ) was a New England intellectual and activist, preacher and labor organizer. Brownson is best remembered for his affiliation with the New England Transcendentalists Brownson was born to poor farmers in Stockbridge, Vermont , and educated himself. He had a series of religious conversions throughout his life. In Brownson became a Presbyterian and in he became a Universalist , becoming ordained in and preaching in New York and New England. Later, rejecting Universalism, he became associated with Robert Dale Owen and Fanny Wright in New York City and organized the Workingmen's Party . Then he became a Unitarian , preaching in Walpole, New Hampshire from and in Canton, Massachusetts from For the next decade, Brownson was a part of the Transcendentalist movement which swept through the Boston Unitarian community. He read in English Romanticism and English and French reports on German Idealist philosophy, and was most passionate about the work of Victor Cousin . In , the year of Emerson's Nature , Brownson participated in the founding of the Transcendental Club ; he also published a pamphlet
Extractions: Note: all letters are to Walker except where notes in the register. bMS 478/1 (1) Information on presentation of these letters to the A.U.A., January 16, 187-. bMS 478/1 (2) Bellows, Henry Whitney, 1814-1882. Letter, 1846 February 19. (Includes two letters: a). A. Graham to Bellows, 1846 16; b). John Rogers to James Walker, 1846 February 12. bMS 478/1 (3) Bigelow, Andrew. Letter, 1815 June 23. bMS 478/1 (4) Bowen, Gray. Letter, 1829 December 11. bMS 478/1 (5) Briggs, Charles. Letter, 1827 June 8. bMS 478/1 (6) Briggs, Charles. Letter, 1828 May 25. bMS 478/1 (7) Brigham, Amariah, 1798-1849. Letter, 1835 November 21, to the editors of the Christian Examiner bMS 478/1 (8) Brooks, Charles, 1795-1872. Letter, 1826 November 25, to Blanchard. bMS 478/1 (9) Brooks, Charles, 1795-1872. Letter, 1842 January 28. bMS 478/1 (10) Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 1803-1876. Letter, 1834 August 6.
Public Art In The Bronx...Fordham University bust atop a high granite pedestal of Orestes A. Brownson (18031876). Orestes Augustus Brownson Memorial. Brownson is best known today as a New
Extractions: Bronx City of New York Parks and Recreation Fordham University was founded in 1841 as St. John's College by the Right Reverend John Hughes, later to become the city's first Roman Catholic archbishop. Its first president, Right Reverend John McClosky, became the nation's first cardinal. The Jesuits bought the college in 1846. St. John's College was reestablished as a university in 1907, and became Fordham University. Most of its graystone Collegiate Gothic buildings were designed by architect Emile G. Perrot between 1911 and 1930. Of particular interest is the early Rose Hill Manor House of rough-stone in the country Greek Revival style built in 1838. Two literary tales relate to the campus. It is said that the university's 98 acres were the setting for James Fenimore Cooper's novel
Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers Gregory Pappas. Brownson, Orestes Augustus. 18031876. Gregory Butler. Brumbaugh,Robert Sherrick. 1918-1992. John Shook. Brunswik, Egon. 1903-1955
Extractions: NAME DATES DMAP AUTHOR Abbot, Francis Ellingwood Creighton Peden Abbott, Lyman Roger Ward Abrams, Meyer Howard Dean Graham Adams, Elie Maynard Warren Nord Adams, George Plimpton David Davis Adams, Henry Brooks John Orr Adams, James Luther Kenneth Olliff Addams, Jane Julie Cannon Adler, Felix Howard Radest Adler, Mortimer Jerome Jean Van Delinder Adorno, Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Mark Worrell Agassi, Joseph Raphael Sassower Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe Nathan Houser and John Shook Aiken, Henry David Evan Moreno-Davis Albee, Ernest Brendan Sweetman Albritton, Rogers Garland David Schrader Alcott, Amos Bronson Scott Bartlett Aldrich, Virgil Charles
Orestes Brownson And The American Republic Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876. 01/1971 vii, 308 pages cloth ISBN0-8132-0508-5 Price $ 0.00 Book Code MAOB STATUS University Microfilms.
Author Index Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876 Bryant, Sara Cone, 1873- Bryce, James Bryce,Viscount, 1838-1922 Buchan, John, 1875-1940
Extractions: Home Author Title Topic ... Book Club The Worldwide Library making e-books available to everyone worldwide without charge now. How to use this library Book Club Index by Author Index by Title ... Sponsors Author Index Select the letter the authors surname begins with, or below in the editors and compilers index, to go to the listing of authors with this letter and then click on the authors name to see information on the author and what books they are known to have written. there are a number of authors with the same name, and in those cases the lifespan dates will help. Let us know of any errors you see. Authors A B C D ... Z A B C D ... Z Authors Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Orestes Augustus Brownson (18031876) was a philosopher, essayist, and ministerwhose broad-ranging ideas both reflected and influenced the social and
Names In Dictionary Of American Religious Biography Brown, William Adams (18651943). Brownson, Orestes Augustus (1803-1876).Carus, Paul (1852-1919). Case, Shirley Jackson (1872-1947).
Extractions: Abbott, Francis Ellingwood (1836-1903) Abbott, Lyman (1835-1922) Addams, Jane (1860-1935) Adler, Felix (1851-1933) Ames, Edward Scribner (1870-1958) Beecher, Henry Ward (1813-1887) Blackwell, Antoinette (1825-1921) Blatavasky, Helena P. (1831-1891) Bowne, Borden Parker (1847-1910) Briggs, Charles Augustus (1841-1913) Brightman, Edgar Sheffield (1884-1953) Brown, William Adams (1865-1943) Brownson, Orestes Augustus (1803-1876) Carus, Paul (1852-1919) Case, Shirley Jackson (1872-1947) Clarke, William N. (1841-1912) Coffin, Henry S. (1877-1954) Dabney, Robert L. (1820-1898) Day, Dorothy (1897-1980) Draper, John W. (1811-1882) DuBose, William P. (1836-1918) Eddy, Mary Baker (1821-1910) Einhorn, David (1809-1879) Ely, Richard Theodore (1854-1943) Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882) Frothingham, Octavius Brooks (1822-1895) Garvey, Marcus Moziah (1887-1940)
Dictionary Of Early American Philosophers Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876, Independent theologian, philosopher, andauthor. Amer Nat Bio. Buchanan, Joseph Rodes, 1814-1899, American scientist,
Extractions: many theologians, social scientists and reformers, political theorists, lawyers, physicians, and scientists. Interested in the history of American philosophy? Consult American Professors of Philosophy and Theology and A Timeline of American Thought Individuals proposed for inclusion in DEAP Last Name First Name Dates Career Notable Work Reference Works Adams Samuel Massachusetts Revolutionary.
Roman Catholicism & American Utopianism The names Orestes A. Brownson (18031876) and Isaac T. Hecker (1819-1888), Orestes Augustus Brownson was born in Stockbridge, VT, on Sept.
Extractions: Part 1 The Divergent Paths of Orestes A. Brownson and Isaac T. Hecker Dr. Justin Walsh Fourierism may be theoretically true, but it is a theory, a spirit without a body, and therefore remains, and will remain dead, unless taken up and quickened by the Church. - Orestes Brownson to Isaac Hecker, Nov. 8, 1843. [William Henry] Channing is down further and further into the Fourier Movement. Without religion as the basis and that presupposes the Church, [it] seems to me there is no hope for these movements. - Isaac Hecker to Orestes Brownson, Mar. 19, 1844. During the next 20 years dozens of emulators founded Owen-like communes in the United States. Brook Farm, established in 1841 near Boston, was by far the most famous. The roster of communards who resided there for at least awhile reads like a "who's who" of radical intellectuals in the 1840's. The names Orestes A. Brownson (1803-1876) and Isaac T. Hecker (1819-1888), perhaps the two most famous American converts to Roman Catholicism in the 19th century, were included. So were the names Frances ("Fanny") Wright and Margaret Fuller, shameless advocates of free love as a necessary prerequisite to the emancipation of women. Others present from time to time included poets Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne, and ministers of the gospel Theodore Parker and William Ellery Channing.
PHILTAR - Compendium Of Philosophers/B Brownson, Orestes Augustus (18031876). An introduction to his thought. Bruce,John (1744-1826). The Scottish Philosophy. Bruni, Leonardo (1369-1444)
Extractions: Links to materials by and/or about over a thousand philosophers from thousands of years from all over the world from A to Z This compendium contains entries large and small, single or multiple, on hundreds of philosophers. Links vary in size from a few lines of biography to the whole of the Summa Theologica. Sometimes you are directed to a site which has further links. In that case there is no guarantee that all the further links will work, but enough work to make a visit worthwhile. This compendium does not provide links to philosophers own home pages. A list of them can be found here A B C ... Z Baader, Franz Xaver von (1765-1841) An introduction to his life and work
Browse Top Level Texts Project Gutenberg Authors B Barrett, 18061861; Browning, Robert, 1812-1889; Brownson, Orestes Augustus,1803-1876; Bruce, Mary Grant, 1878-1958; Bruno Schulz; Bryant