Index Stories, Listed By Author, Part 7 BASHFORD, Sir H(enry) H(owarth) (18801961); BASHFORD, HERBERT BASHIR, MIR Basile, Giambattista (1575-1632); BasileY, JOHN BASINSKY, EARL, Jr.
Extractions: Previous Table-of-Contents BARKER, NUGENT BARKER, PHILIP ... BARKER, REGINALD C(harles) (1881-1937); Novelist and author. Born in Brighton, England; died in Los Angeles, California. BARKER, REGINALG C. BARKER, ROD BARKER, ROLAND BARKER, S(quire) OMAR (1894-1985); see pseudonym Phil Squires ; Prolific poet and writer. Born in Beulah, New Mexico; died in Las Vegas, New Mexico. A Gal to Chaperoon BARKER, SAMUEL H. BARKER, SEBASTIAN BARKER, SHIRLEY ... BARLAY, BENNETT ; pseudonym of Kendell Foster Crossen BARLAY, KATE BARLETT, FREDERICK ORIN BARLETT, RANDOLPH ... BARNARD, LESLIE GORDON (1890-1961); Writer. Born and died in Montreal, Canada. BARNARD, LESLIE T. BARNARD, MARGARET E. BARNARD, MARK BARNARD, ROBERT ... BARNES, ARTHUR K(elvin) (1911-1969); see pseudonym Kelvin Kent BARNES, BINNIE BARNES, CALMER BARNES, CANON ... BARNES, CHARLES E(mmett) (1890?-?); Writer of western novels. Born in Akron, Ohio. BARNES, CHARLES EDWARD BARNES, CHARLES R. ; No information. BARNES, CHARLES WILLIAM BARNES, CLAUDE T. BARNES, CULMER BARNES, DELPHINE DELMAS ... BARNES, STEVEN ; [i.e., Stephen Emory Barnes] (1952- ) BARNES, TOM
Extractions: in breve i personaggi " " BAROCCO (1600-1750) Il termine "barocco" sembra derivare dallo spagnolo barrueco e dal portoghese barroco , che indicano la perla irregolare e bizzarra o anche da baroco che indicava un sillogismo artificioso della filosofia scolastica medievale, ossia un ragionamento confuso e impuro. Allinizio il termine " barocco " esprimeva un giudizio negativo, che si è venuto attenuando soltanto con la fine dellOttocento e il Novecento. Il "barocco" indica larte artificiosa, spettacolare, scenografica, magnificente, in tutte le sue manifestazioni, del periodo corrispondente approssimativamente al XVII secolo. La prima chiara utilizzazione del termine barocco, non in senso negativo, fu quella per definire uno stile artistico. Questo movimento che inizia al termine del periodo rinascimentale, interessa anch'esso un vasto campo di fenomeni artistici, letterari e culturali come il precedente, e sono tutti accomunati dalla tendenza a trascurare o sovvertire le regole definite "classiche", affermatesi nel rinascimento.
3000(?)(?) Translate this page Peter Pan in Kensington Garden Barry, John Daniel (1866-1942) The City of DomesBasile, Giambattista (ca.1575-1632) Stories from the Pentamerone Bates, Henry
Gutenberg-Galaxis Translate this page Nach Giambattista Basile, 1575-1632. Seit mehr als 2000 Jahren gibt es Papier.Der dauerhafte und preisgünstige Beschreibstoff aus gestampften Leinenlumpen
Blog02 of Jerusalem; honeysuckles from South Africa, the soft green-yellow petals ofCalifornia tulip trees Basile, Giambattista (1575-1632) and The Tale of Tales
Scrittori E Poeti Italiani - Wikipedia Giambattista Basile (1575 - 1632) Francesco Petrarca Antonio Pigafetta (ca.
Extractions: Oltre 220.000$ sono stati donati dall'inizio della raccolta il 19 agosto. Grazie per la vostra generosit ! Questo elenco o glossario , per la vastit dell'argomento preso in considerazione, ¨ da considerarsi un work in progress in continuo aggiornamento. Se passi da qui ricorda di aggiungere qualche nuovo dato o, se puoi, compila o amplia qualche voce. Grazie. Personalit italiane - in ordine alfabetico - della letteratura narrativa poesia saggistica ... critica
Lista Di Autorità (autori Persone) A-F 1575-1632 Abravanel,Judah, Vedi, Abrabanel, Juda ben Isaac ca. 1460-1535 . Abro, A. d .
Extractions: Tra <uncinate> le date per gli autori personali che vanno inserite nel sottocampo " f " Lista completa Rinvii Abadal i de Vinyals, Ramón d' Vedi: Abadal y Vinyals, Ramón de Abadal y Vinyals, Ramón de Abaelardus, Petrus Abailard, Pierre Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus Abbattuti, Giovanni Alessio Vedi: Abbattutis, Gian Alesio Vedi: Abelard Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus Abélard, Petrus Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus Abelardo Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus Abelardo, Pietro Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus Aben Guzmán Vedi: Ibn Quzman Abravanel, Judah Vedi: Abro, A. d' Abu Bakr `Abd al-Malik Vedi: Ibn Quzman Accademico Ozioso Incognito Vedi: Errico, Scipione Achmadulina, Bella Vedi: Ahmadulina, Bella Achmatova, Anna Vedi: Ahmatova, Anna Andreevna Acidini Luchinat, Cristina Acidini, Cristina Vedi: Acidini Luchinat, Cristina Acominato, Michele
Lexicon Lemma die in de Lo cunto de li cunti (de Pentamerone, 16341636) van GiambattistaBasile (ca. 1575-1632) en die in de Duizend en één nacht, hebben hem. 138
Lexicon Lemma 14801557) en Lo cunto de li cunti (de Pentamerone, 1634-1636) van GiambattistaBasile (ca. 1575-1632) (2, 4). Zeker is wel dat hij de laatste gekend en 054
{titel Caption="titel" Len=150} Adin Belgium Giambattista Basile. Giambattista Basile This Italian seventeenth century (ca15751632) writer wrote approximately 50 different fairy tales. Basile.
{titel Caption="titel" Len=150} Adin Belgium BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Giambattista Basile This Italian seventeenth century (ca15751632) writer wrote approximately 50 different fairy tales. and the beast
Extractions: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: Once upon a time . . . as a merchant set off for market, he asked each of his three daughters what she would like as a present on his return. The first daughter wanted a brocade dress, the second a pearl necklace, but the third, whose name was Beauty, the youngest, prettiest and sweetest of them all, said to her father: When the merchant had finished his business, he set off for home. However, a sudden storm blew up, and his horse could hardly make headway in the howling gale. Cold and weary, the merchant had lost all hope of reaching an inn when he suddenly noticed a bright light shining in the middle of a wood. As he drew near, he saw that it was a castle, bathed in light. "I hope I'll find shelter there for the night," he said to himself. When he reached the door, he saw it was open, but though he shouted, nobody came to greet him. Plucking up courage, he went inside, still calling out to attract attention. On a table in the main hall, a splendid dinner lay already served. The merchant lingered, still shouting for the owner of the castle. But no one came, and so the starving merchant sat down to a hearty meal.
Extractions: Die italienische Literatur ist die in italienischer Sprache verfasste Literatur. Als solche ist sie im Vergleich zu den anderen romanischen Sprachen relativ sp¤t entstanden. Vorherrschend waren Latein Altfranz¶sisch und Provenzalisch , die nach und nach von der Volkssprache , dem Volgare , abgel¶st wurden. Nach kleineren und unbedeutenden Zeugnissen gilt der " Sonnengesang " von Franz von Assisi als das erste St¼ck italienischer Literatur. Die sizilianische Dichterschule war eine Gruppe von Dichtern am Hof Kaiser Friedrichs II. in Palermo. Im eigentlichen Sinn des Wortes handelte es sich um Dilettanten, also Beamte, die nebenbei auch Dichter waren, auch Friedrich selbst verfasste Gedichte. Dort wurde von Giacomo da Lentini das Sonett erfunden. Die sizilianische Dichterschule hatte groen Einfluss auf ganz Italien und wirkte noch weiter, als das Stauferreich bereits untergegangen war. Bearbeiten Dante Alighieri Die Zentren der Lyrik verlagerten sich nach Norden (Bologna, Florenz).