Quotation Search - Quote Search - The Quotations Page Honore de Balzac (1799 1850); Power is not revealed by striking hard or often,but by striking true. info add mail Honore de Balzac (1799 http://www.quotationspage.com/search.php3?Author=Honore de Balzac&file=other
Honore De Balzac Quotes - The Quotations Page Honore de Balzac (1799 1850) French realist novelist more author details Honore de Balzac; First love is a kind of vaccination which saves a man http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Honore_de_Balzac/
Read Honore De Balzac Books Online - The Literature Page Honore de Balzac (1799 1850). French realist novelist. We have the followingworks by Honore de Balzac. The Country Doctor, (fiction), 1833, 255 pages http://www.literaturepage.com/authors/Honore-de-Balzac.html
Extractions: Honore de Balzac was born in Tours in 1799 and died in 1850. Celebrated as one of the greatest French writers of the nineteenth century, in particular for his work La Comedie Humaine, He is best known for and credited with the invention of the modern realist novel. In more than ninety novels he set forth French society and life as he saw it. W Somerset Maugham said, 'I suppose Balzac is the greatest novelist who ever lived'.
Honore De Balzac Gravesite Name, Honore de Balzac (1799 1850). Category, Authors and Poets. Burial Location,Le Pere Lachaise, Paris, France. http://www.thecemeteryproject.com/Graves/balzac-honore-de.htm
Extractions: Subjects: Abstract: This article approaches the text of Balzac's Gobseck through Barthes's general reflections, in Comment vivre ensemble , on the private room as a symbolic space of seclusion. Barthes's comments on the value of excrement in Gide's are used to set up a Freudian reading of the anal sadism of Gobseck the usurer, as revealed in his speech, behaviour, and body language. The contrasting rooms of Fanny and Anastasie are subsumed into the closing juxtaposition of Gobseck's clean, bare, cell-like death chamber with the squalid accumulation of putrid matter in the next-door room, formerly that of the lawyer Derville. Cleanliness and moral fastidiousness are analyzed as reaction-formations masking an active anal eroticism in both men and underpinning their superficially unlikely friendship. Gobseck's chamber emerges as the symbolic center of an anal economy in which Derville is shown to play a key role, both as narrator and protagonist. ( DK Smart, Annie.
Extractions: A près nombre de romans historiques (publiés sous pseudonyme) et d'écrits divers, Balzac se lance dès 1829 dans le récit contemporain. Son ambition : peindre un tableau global et dynamique de la société issue des bouleversements révolutionnaires. Sa méthode : répertorier les différents groupes sociaux et les étudier comme le ferait un scientifique. En ce sens, Balzac se veut " ". Le conflit, âpre, violent, incessant, dynamise son oeuvre. C'est la volonté d'ascension sociale qui motive ses personnages. L'égoïsme et l'argent source du pouvoir triomphent car les anciennes solidarités ont disparu. Il faut être fort pour survivre, c'est-à-dire "réussir" (Rastignac), sinon c'est la déchéance (Lucien de Rubempré). L'univers balzacien est spatialement et socialement cloisonné : Paris-Province, quartiers aristocratiques-faubourgs populaires, ... Pour traduire le foisonnement du réél, Balzac imagine des techniques nouvelles. Tel le "type". Chaque personnage, bien que fortement individualisé, représente à la fois un caractère moral qui peut se muer en archétype (probité avec César Biroteau, Goriot vu comme " ", Vautrin archange déchu) et la personnification d'un groupe ou d'une classe sociale. Avec "