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AUBURN VS. LSU Team Statistics (Final) NCAA football Auburn vs LSU (Sep 20, L 110 A47 WadeRichey field goal attempt from 64 BLOCKED, recovered by LSU Casey Taber at
Fantasy Football - Football, Lies, & Videotape - By Joe Bryant football, Lies, and Videotape May 16, 00 written by Joe Bryant PK WadeRichey (SF) led the league in accuracy by connecting on 21 of 23 attempts.
Extractions: ARTICLE REPRODUCED FOR FREE AT WWW.DRAFTGUIDE.COM Mark Twain once uttered the immortal words, "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics". Mr. Twain must've been a sports fan. Statistics don't always tell the entire story, but they usually get us started in the right direction. One of the interesting things about Fantasy Football is that we play and score the game based entirely on statistics, yet we often overlook the things that happen right before our very eyes. The old saleman's adage goes, "Perception is Reality" That may sell a lot of widgets but it doesn't cut it in Fantasy Football where statistics are what counts. When Perception doesn't match Reality, someone's going to take the fall. Just ask anyone who drafted Mark Brunell the last 3 years.....